Replaced scenes.

Remember when Miles and Luna were on the run and they came upon the now empty scientists' house where Miles was first "stashed" after he was taken from the capsule? They went inside and we got to see them sitting on the stairs inside the house and chatting. They spoke about making love and Miles said that, if she was to hear any wheezing, it was because of his asthma.
Now, when I first saw the film years ago, between these two scenes, there was a great scene of the two of them about to eat a big meal. Miles sitting at one end of the table and Luna sat facing him.
As a rather fast piece of classical piano music played, Miles started to stuff all kinds of food into his mouth. The film was speeded up, to work in tandem with the music. This was intercut with Luna, looking on in amazement, slowly drinking her wine. The shots of Luna coincided with the music slowing down.
There then followed a short scene of Miles looking like he's about to show Luna a card trick. The trick seemed to involve the use of a lighted candle. We didn't hear the dialogue (I think jazz music played over the top of it)but, as Miles seemed explained how it was to work, Luna accidentally set Miles arm on fire with the already lighted candle.
Now, when I saw the film recently, the eating scene and the card trick scene were replaced by a new scene of Miles shaving at a big mirror. His "reflection" became out of sync., he messed around with the controls, then he found himself staring at a strange woman who was shaving her face.
Does anyone else remember the eating and card trick scenes? Does anyone know why they were replaced? I gather that Woody doesn't usually include deleted scenes on his DVDs but do these missing scenes turn up in any form on the 'Sleeper' DVD?


I recall seeing the movie many times when it first ran in 1973, both in the theaters and on Cable TV. I have also seen the movie on video a few times and on network TV. I do not recall at any time the food-eating scenes you describe. I recall only the funny out-of-sync shaving scenes you describe.

I would have liked seeing the added or replaced scenes you described, though.


Curses! You sound like a extremely solid source on this but you've never seen the scenes I can remember. D'oh!
I've considered that they might have been from another Woody film but I could've sworn that they were from 'Sleeper'and I've seen almost every other film of his. The reason I was so sure was that I once had a videotape with both 'Bananas' and 'Sleeper' on it (taken from a TV season of Woody Allen films) and I watched it loads of times.
When I saw 'Sleeper' again I was expecting the scenes to materialise and was shocked when they didn't turn up.
Not to doubt your knowledge in any way, 'scrabbler 1' ..... but can anyone else help?


Further to my previous e-mails, I'm wondering if perhaps 'Sleeper' came out in a slightly different version in the US than the version in Europe.
'Scrabbler1' sounds like he/she is based in the US while I'm from the UK. He or she has obviously seen the film a number of times - as have I, when I watched it regularly on tape. When I saw the film most recently, it wasn't just that I was surprised not to see the eating and magic trick scenes but it was definitely the first time that I'd ever seen the shaving scene, despite having watched the film many times previously.
My most recent viewing of 'Sleeper' was post-video/DVD re-release. I'm wondering if perhaps the notion of presenting a definitive release of 'Sleeper' led to only a US version of the film being used?
Grasping at straws, I was going to suggest that perhaps some kind of music copyright problem might have to led to the deletion of the dinner scene but then I thought that the fast, classical piece used in the film sounded old, not modern, and I gather that music copyrights might therefore be less of a problem.
If it helps anyone any, I've remembered one other element of the dinner scene. I recall Miles trying, but failing, to impress Luna by doing that cool trick whereby someone can move a coin over and under their knuckles by wiggling their fingers in the correct way. He did it flawlessly but she didn't seem too thrilled.
Any ideas on all this?


Anyone???? AIR!!!? KNEE!!!? WON!!!?


I definitely remember that dinner scene but its not on my(UK) VHS version.I'd forgotten all about it.Im sure I had it when I taped it off the TV years ago.

Sleeper is one of my all time favourite films,Ive lost count on how many times I have watched it.


YES!!!'ddrury'! You're a saint, a prince and a genius; and don't let anyone ever tell you any differently!!! I feel like I'm Bob Woodward, in a car park in Washington, and you've confirmed my story!
Like you, I had it taped from the TV years ago and I watched it many, MANY times. Some time ago, Channel 4 in the UK had some kind of Eddie Izzard night. They showed a couple of his live performances, I think, and also asked him to choose a film. His pick was "Sleeper" and it's from that broadcast that I noticed the scenes having been replaced(no longer having my previous copy).
The copy with the scenes described above was, I'm pretty sure, from a BBC broadcast, sometime in the 1980s. I remember that it was shown in a cropped, full screen version because there was a scene (which I can't remember if it was in the C4 Izzard broadcast or not)in which Luna took a bubble bath and one could clearly see the boom mic at the top of the screen.
Why did this version turn up on British TV in the '80s?
Why were the scenes replaced/cut out of the current version? Believe me, they were excellent and very funny (in keeping with the rest of this magnificent film).


There's one other element to the dinner scene that I've remembered.
Prior to the trick with the coin, Miles held a pack of cards in his left hand. The top card was face up, facing both us and Luna, at the other end of the table. Miles moved his right hand over the top card, shaping his hand as if he was taking the card away. The card showing at the top of the pack changed. His hand, shaped as if it was holding the card, was then shown to be empty as Miles moved his fingers as if there was dust on his fingertips and he was trying to rub them clean. I think that Luna did laugh but it was the kind of laugh that said: "God, what an idiot!".


"The reason I was so sure was that I once had a videotape with both 'Bananas' and 'Sleeper' on it (taken from a TV season of Woody Allen films) and I watched it loads of times. "

Perhaps you are confusing a scene in Bananas with a scene from Sleeper.


I may be wrong, but I believe the scene you're thinking of is actually in "Bananas."


Thanks very much for taking the time to reply. Yes, I was thinking that that might be the case too but I bought the "Bananas" DVD for someone a few months ago. I watched it with them and the scenes that I remember were not in it for certain.


I can't recall ever seeing these "replaced scenes," but if they ever existed, I'd like to see them!


Damn, you'd love them! I can see the scenes in my mind's eye but I'd love to see them again properly, on a screen.
My guess is that the print that I was familar with was a Europe only print. Both you and 'scrabbler1' sound like you live in the U.S. (under the Bush junta!?)while 'ddrury' and I - who do remember the scenes - live in the U.K. (I'd say something about Blair too but I don't think it'll be too long before he's forced out by the Labour Party).
Or maybe it was a "rogue print"; a rough cut that somehow made its way over here? Like a promo copy of an album that was sent to DJs before a final running order was agreed?
I tried to describe the scenes as best I could and I know, for absolutely sure, that they featured the great Diane Keaton. What puzzles me is not just that they were "cut" (although that would be strange enough because the scenes were VERY funny)but that, when I saw the later print, they were "replaced" by the shaving scene. Yet, to say that they were replaced is probably a misnomer because, judging from what 'scrabbler1' says, the shaving scene has always been included in the American edition.
I'm going to keep trying to find out about what led to this state of affairs. I left a posting on the 'Woody Allen' page itself about this and I'm thinking of other people to write to in order to get an explanation. Yes, there are other more important things to worry about, for sure, but I need to get an answer about this.


There is a scene in the regular version of "Sleeper" that shows Diane taking a bubble bath, but I don't recall seeing any audio equipment in the shot. I always thought that scene with the mirror looked kinda out of place.

(Yes, I live under the Bush Junta, but I'm with the Underground now...)


I can think of two examples when British TV has shown the wrong print of a film.
In this country, the credits to Kubrick's "The Shining" make reference to a Doctor being played by 'Anne Jackson' but, in the British version of the film, she's not in the final cut at all! She is in the U.S. version (which, I think, is about half an hour longer) and that was once shown on British TV by mistake. I remember seeing Shelly Duvall's character sitting on a sofa talking with the Doctor about Danny's behaviour but that scene isn't in the British print of the film.
Also, James Cameron's "The Abyss" had a scene in which a rat is submerged in oxygen fluid. This scene was cut, in the U.K., on the grounds of animal cruelty, but Channel 4 did show this scene, by mistake, when they first broadcast the film.
(I'm completely against animal cruelty but I also hate censorship. This rat scene obviously didn't break any laws in the country where it was filmed. What next? The censoring of, U.S. filmed, road traffic scenes because Americans drive on the other side of the road and thereby set an illegal example to easily influenced British drivers?).


I always thought there were at least two versions of "The Shining" out there. I think I've seen a shorter version on commercial TV, as well as a longer version uncut on cable. Maybe the longer version is a Director's Cut or something...Kubrick tends to make very long films. But I've never heard of Woody Allen releasing two different versions of a film.

(As for the rat scene in "The Abyss," I think I'd rather see the UK version. I have a rat phobia.)


I think that you're right about Woody never doing that annoying thing of releasing a film in two, or more, versions...on purpose, anyway.(I've definitely seen the version of "Sleeper" as described above). However, check out the triva page for his film "September". Evidently, he once made two versions of one film. He released the second film and probably threw the first one away!


"September" is not one of my favorites! I wonder if the version he threw away was better or worse!


I hate to admit this but "September" is one of the only Woody films that I haven't seen...yet.
You might not believe this, xanthas71, but I've got a similar question about "Play It Again, Sam" - although this time it's not a replaced scene but a possible missing scene. Keep an eye on the "Play It Again, Sam" board because I might need your help.


I will. "Play It Again, Sam" is one of my favorites, definitely. I know a little bit of trivia about it.


Great. I'll get around to putting a question up there soon. As for anyone else reading this, have you seen the replaced scenes as described as above?


I first saw "Sleeper" on German television. It was with the eating scene and Luna taking bath without background music, and the mike was there too. I liked those scenes. So it wasn't a dream of yours. I really would like to know the whole story behind those changes though.


Ned74, I'll name my first born son after you!!! Thank you for your knowledge; that is excellent news. As you say, the question is, why were these scenes replaced? We'll find out one day if I have anything to do with it.


You're going to have to email Woody or Soon-Yi to get to the bottom of this...


Yes, or just go up to London and crash the film set of the new picture!
I bet that he wouldn't know, anyway. As I'm sure you know, once he's made a film (having seen it hundreds of times during the editing) he never watches it again, being too busy thinking about his next film. I bet even he wouldn't have a clue, considering how many films he's made since then.
You know what? I think the way to go is to try to find writers who have written extensively about the great man; see if they write for any publications and, therefore, they'll be contactable by e-mail; and see if they know why this situation came about. Or maybe contact United Artists? Or maybe I won't have to bother because some genius reading this right now will put me/us out of our misery?


Yes, that's probably true. He wouldn't recall what happened 30+ years ago. But a lot of people consider "Sleeper" to be a classic, so somebody must have that information.


Yes, you're right. What was it that Jim Garrison said in "JFK"?
"We're through the looking glass, people!".


B.C. -

I definitely recall the scene you're talking about. I would have seen it on U.S. TV a few years back.

My guess is this: the film was shot in 1.33:1, and then cropped to 1.85:1 for theatrical (and subsequently DVD) release. For home video and TV prints, they would have reverted back to the 1.33:1 prints (this also would explain the boom mike in some shots). Some TV prints may have been accidently taken from a slightly earlier edit. The scene in question was likely never intended by Allen to be in the final cut, but rather a mistake by the studio when they sent out the copy to TV stations.


Thanks for replying with such a detailed answer, Mick. Your guess sounds feasible.
What I find to be so strange is not that the dinner scene was cut, per se - as there can be a number of reasons why a perfectly good scene won't make the final cut of a film - but that it was replaced by a scene that, while funny, wasn't AS funny.
I think the 'woman in the mirror' scene was a revised version of a joke in some movie by 'The Marx Brothers' but the dinner scene had more elements to it and was just outright funnier. Woody and his editors must have had the dinner scene in one "hand", the mirror scene in the other and decided that the mirror scene deserved to go in, at the expense of the dinner scene. I wish that both were included but, if I had to make a choice, the dinner scene would win 100 times out of 100.


I've heard of some movies that, when broadcasted in television, are extended (or shortened) with material left in the editing room to fit in the schedule. It may have been the case with Sleeper. It seems that channels sometimes recut films specially for their broadcasts. I read that On Her Majesty's Secret Service (the Bond movie) was modified extensively with use of flashbacks, and split in two "chapters".
By the way, Sleeper is a great movie.

"Woof, Woof, Woof! Hello, I'm Rags"
- Rags


Your excellent posting has reminded me that I once read something similar about one of the Airplane films in a film magazine; that someone once saw an extended version of that film and it contained scenes that they'd never seen before. The answer given by the magazine was along the lines that you've just mentioned so you might well be on to something in regards to "Sleeper"
On the title page for "Sleeper", I think that the triva section says that the edit was completed only a couple of days before the premiere and that edit came from 35 hours of material. No doubt, then, that there was a lot of stuff that didn't make the (supposed) "final cut". Maybe films can a bit more "fluid", and less "solid", than we think?
I saw the world premiere of "Casino" at the London Film Festival in 1995. I was so blown away by the film (I thought it was better than "Goodfellas", even though Sharon Stone was painfully out of her depth) that I saw it again on its proper release. The baseball bat beating scene was shorter (although that editing decision might well have been because of the studio wanting an R-rating rather than for artistic reasons) but I'm sure that the very first scene (pre-titles) of DeNiro coming out of the building and getting into his car was changed.
The nationally released version had a shot of the door and we then saw DeNiro walk through it and on to his car but I'm sure that the first scene, at the Film Festival screening, faded up on DeNiro's lighter, followed the lighter up to the cigarette in his mouth, and then panned, left to right, as he walked to his car. So, even the final cut, for public eyes, might not be the *final* cut.
The thing is, I also read that Woody has huge control over all his films; that, even for his early films, they can't be messed about with in any way by any TV company. For example, all of that bad language in the fantastic "Deconstructing Harry" simply can't be censored. Either the whole film gets shown, as is, or it can't be shown at all. The "Airplane" films are utterly wonderful and funny but they're "studio product" movies whereas Woody's films, even his, perhaps, broader earlier films, are more personal, auteur-like.
Having said all that, compare Kubrick and Woody in the late '70s. Woody was so dissatisfied with "Manhattan" that he said to the studio that he'd make his next film for them free-of-charge if they'd NOT release "Manhattan"! That didn't fly for him but when Kubrick asked his studio employers to withdraw "A Clockwork Orange" from the UK, he got his wish. So maybe the 1970s Woody wasn't so much the power-packing auteur of today (who can make films in London with BBC support and get their permission to not include their logo in the titles of his films and to just mention their involvement in his usual white-on-black lettering) Or maybe Kubrick is a special case and it's not a fair comparision to judge anyone against his very special relationship with Warner Brothers?
I don't know (and it's past my bed time!) but thanks for your reply.


I just finished watching Sleeper, a version recorded of the TV in the UK years ago, and it had the dinner scene in.


Hats off to you but that horrible sound you can hear is of my teeth grinding with jealousy!


I have just been reading up. This probably isn't much help, but the dinner scene with Miles and Luna was in the French print only, and for some reason never made it into US or UK releases. Don't ask me why, that's just what I read ! That was probably the version that was broadcast, and which is why it has caused so much confusion! I'd love to see the scenes!!


"I think the 'woman in the mirror' scene was a revised version of a joke in some movie by 'The Marx"

Yes, this sounds right.

With Harpo, and his 'twin' or something.


A friend of mine lent me their film "Duck Soup" recently and that's the film I was trying to think of. It was utterly hilarious! (Both the film and that specific joke).


No, no, no. That scene is a parody of a commercial of the time where a man's bathroom cabinet opens to the bathroom of a man in the next apartment. At the end of the commercial, the man screams to his wife, "Monaaaaaaaaaa!"


In the 1970s it was common for producers to make an alternate edit for in-flight movies, or TV use due to sex or language, and sometimes cut scenes from the theatrical edition would make it back in, either due to time or continuity problems. The missing scene should appear in the original script, if it ever got published.



Yes, that's a fair point about the alternate edit theory. The thing is is that I'm sure that the time difference between the two versions is minimal/neglegable. The dinner scene was replaced by the mirror scene but everything else about the film was exactly the same; the running time wouldn't have changed through the process of constructing the new version. Additionally, there's no problem with sex, violence or bad language, so why the change?
It's a funny point about the dinner scene being only in the French print because I actually e-mailed a French friend of mine about this but she couldn't shed any light on it. Maybe the original cinema print in France has been superseded by the DVD print, which reverted to the US version for everywhere?



Thanks for your reply, your nice comments and thanks for reminding me to buy "Blazing Saddles" on DVD! I'm ashamed of myself for not having it in my collection already. Oh, and a while ago, while bored at work, I made a list of possible names for a punk/garage bands and one - on what was a huge list - was "Candygram For Mongo".




I totally agree on the 146 minute cut being definitive. Remember when, after K died, DVD releases of all of his films hit the racks? I read somewhere that "de-luxe" versions are going to be released some time soon. Maybe we long-suffering European viewers will finally get the full version of The Shining? I bloody hope so but I can't stand how people get ripped off with staggered DVD releases. I didn't buy it but I bet that some people bought the DVD release of The Shining in good faith and, now they'll be confronted with the proper version, they might feel the pressing need to stump up with the £££ for a *second* time.
Doesn't the film industry make enough money? Do they *really* have to hold us upside down, by our ankles, and shake all the money from our pockets?


I just watched Sleeper at a local cinema in Edinburgh last night. I've seen it many times before and when the dinner/card trick scenes plus one of Diane Keaton taking a bubble bath popped up I couldn't believe it. It was an old print, rated A (which makes it pre-1982). I'm wondering if it was the original theatrical release. I then realised the scene with the woman in the mirror had been missed out, but "woman in mirror" was still credited at the end. Has anyone got the answer to our problems?!

"Last night, my toilet was broken into."


Lucky you; both for seeing the replaced scenes...and for living in Edinburgh. That's a gorgeous city. My cousin lives near Hibs' ground, Easter Road.
Yes, it's a head-scratcher. It's interesting that you say that the print still had a credit for the "woman in the mirror". I've just fished out my copy of the Faber & Faber book "Woody Allen On Woody Allen: In conversation with Stig Bjorkman". Sleeper is seen off in the space of a mere 3 pages and with only 8 questions asked but one of those few questions refers to the shaving/woman in the mirror scene. It does seem that the original scene is of the woman in the mirror and that what I've referred to as the "Replaced Scenes" were replacements that were themselves later replaced; that the film has now gone back to how it first appeared (or at least, how it was supposed to first appear). Still, I greatly miss the dinner/card trick scenes and I could live without the woman in the mirror, if I needed to do so.
I've also found my paperback copy of Eric Lax's biography of Woody, published by Vintage in 1992. Page 334:

"During the editing of Sleeper, Woody and..."(the editor, Ralph)"...Rosenblum each sat at a Moviola in Rosenblum's office, looking at pieces of film over and over again, trying to find the ones that played in the best relation to the others. They cut, spliced, respliced, and hoped for luck. Woody worked on one sequence, Rosenblum on the following. As each finished, he showed the other what he had done and they collaborated on changes".

The text then goes on to say that Rosenblum believed Woody to be different than other writers in that he was always willing to throw stuff out of a film, during the edit, and Rosenblum often had to fight to keep obviously funny stuff in the final cut.
Lax's book suggests that this was the first film in which Woody really edited with great purpose. Maybe the quote from above gives a plausible reason why two cuts might leak their way out to the public by accident? Maybe the woman in the mirror was Woody's cut and the dinner/card trick cut was Rosenblum's - featuring scenes of Woody being funny that everyone would find funny...except Woody himself?
I don't know. I'm just surmising because I haven't got any firm evidence as to why there's two cuts of this magnificent film.
By the way, on that Ted Turner channel, TCM, this Thursday evening, there's a double bill of "Bananas" followed by "Sleeper". Maybe viewers will get lucky and be treated with the dinner/card trick scenes? Somehow I doubt it. I don't receive TCM but I gather that it tends to show buffed-up, new prints of films, rather than older prints. My guess is that the screening will be of the woman in the mirror, but you never know.


Kick! It's been over a year now, since this thread started, and the trail's gone cold. Does anyone know, for sure, why there are two cuts of "Sleeper" and why the (at least in my opinion) funnier cut was superseded?


First of all, props to you all. This entire thread has managed over a year without any morons using this as a large debate.

Anyway, I believe you're right. From what I understand, they finished this film extremely behind schedule (a week before the film was due in theaters, and it hadn't been edited yet). That's what I've heard anyway. So Woody and his editor both worked on different sections of the film, trying desperately to cut one final piece togther in like, two days. So I would be willing to bet money that your theory is correct, that they both happened to cut that scene differently, and probably in all the rush for release, someone slipped up and two different cuts were printed.

Next, the deal with the boom mikes is correct (as I saw in an earlier post). I can't remember the exact aspect ratio, but they filmed it in wide, and when it was cropped to full, it distorted, and boom mikes are actually visible in more than one scene.

Lastly, in response to snelling, the deal with the zillions of extra hours of Annie Hall is because of Woody Allen's original script. He originally intended Annie Hall to be a murder mystery, with an underlying plot of a love story. So they had ALOT of film to cut, but when they went to do it, Woody found the love story scenes much funnier. So he scrapped the entire murder mystery plot, and cut the film to read like a romantic comedy.

Actually, from what I understand, Woody went back to Annie Hall to write Manhattan Murder Mystery. MMM is literally like the leftovers from Annie Hall. It's basically the other half of the script. Mia Farrow was originally cast as his wife too, until their divorce in real life, when he cast the fabulous Miss Keaton. (In my opinion, I don't know why he would'e thought twice about casting Kaeton as his wife in MMM, she won an Oscar for Annie Hall! It would've been WRONG!)

Haha. Anyway, I kind of left in a tangent towards the end, but I hope what I said was of some use to somebody.

P.S. I have never in my life seen the dinner scene in Sleeper, and I feel incomplete as a person. ;-)


A fantastic post, CarrieB. Hopefully, someone who organises the screenings of films on TV might "accidentally-on-purpose" show the dinner scene, one day. It's great, believe me.
Re-shoots often - almost always - are a signifier of a film that's in real trouble but Woody seems to use the process to improve a film significantly. Many people rate "Crimes & Misdemeanors" as one of his very best but I once read that Woody's part of the story was solely created within the re-shooting/ re-writing process! The man's a stone, cold genius.


Here is confirmation:

"There is an entire scene replaced, (atleast on the copy I bought last week), where Allen is eating at the dinner table and Keaton watches in stunned amazement. Not my favourite scene by a long way, but that's hardly the point. Instead, there is a scene that I had never seen before, where Allen is shaving in the mirror. It's hardly worth losing much sleep over (pardon the pun!), but it's irritating to know that they will just chop whole scenes without telling you before you buy..."


I've just checked it out. Notice that the poster on Amazon was from the UK whereas the posters above, who are from the USA, have never seen the dinner scene at all.


There was another deleted scene with Miles playing chess with huge chess pieces.
(Check the trivia section).

It also states that the movie was edited from 35 hours of footage in 2 days.


That scene is definitely not in the version I saw last year, which had the dinner scene (see my prvious thread). So that was probably cut altogether (rather than appearing in some prints but being superceded, as is the case with the dinner scene).

I would still love to know for sure what the truth is behind this!


"You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!!!".

No, you're right. There must be a reason behind this. I think the way to go might be to write to someone. I don't know, maybe United Artists? I'll get on this soon.


Excellent thread!

This is the whole reason I just looked up Sleeper on IMDB.

I also remember the dinner table and bubblebath scenes. I first saw sleeper on a recording of the BBC2 showing on Betamax tape circa 1986, which had both those scenes, and not the mirror scene.

A couple of years ago somebody bought my dad the DVD of Sleeper, we watched it at christmas and looked at each other with a puzzled expression on our faces when the dinner scene was not there, replaced by the weird mirror thing.

I also remember the boom mic being in shot on the cloning scene ('checking the cell structure' etc).

I wish film studios would make more of a ****ing effort when releasing stuff on DVD, why not include all this and the chess thing as 'deleted scenes' extras?

...Also - I first saw 'The Shining' on it's ITV showing sometime around 1989, which was the longer edit with Danny talking to the Psychiatrist.
Every version I've seen on TV since has been the shorter edit.
However, the longer cut is now avaiable on DVD.


Have you ever seen film of Rowan Atkinson (I think it might have been from around the late 1970s) standing on a stage, dressed like a concert pianist, playing an invisible piano? I mention it because the classical piano music that we hear during Atkinson's performance had very fast passages and also some very slow, more reflective passages. When I first saw him perform this bit, it reminded of the replaced dinner scene in 'Sleeper'. As Miles shoved all of the food down his throat, the piano music's very fast; the cuts to show Diane Keaton's Luna - looking on in amazement, slowly drinking her wine - are soundtracked with very slow music. I don't know if both pieces utilised the same piano piece but they both seemed to share the same kind of comedic rhythm at least.




I am in the UK and I have an old VHS of "Sleeper" taken from TV. This has the slow-fast eating scene in it as well as the magic trick where Allen's arm catches fire. I think the US version replaced these scenes with the shaving scene, cutting to Keaton in the bath. But having said this, the UK DVD version has the shaving/bath scene as well. I'm thinking of transferring the TV version on to DVD at some point so I have both. Incidentally, the music in the eating scene is Beethoven's "Tempest Sonata". I haven't seen the Rowan Atkinson sketch. The shaving/bath scene has the Preservation Hall Jazz Band playing "Smiles" on the soundtrack.


An excellent reply, Sporty Nose. Thanks.

Empire Magazine, February 2008, Page 152, 'The Top 10 Movie Meals', the number 2 pick is the scene in the film "Tom Jones". Talking about that film, the writer says:

"The acme of food-as-foreplay, brilliantly spoofed by...Woody Allen in "Bananas"...".

Wrong. It was "Sleeper" (or at least the UK print of "Sleeper") not "Bananas".
Having just had a look at that eating scene in "Tom Jones" for the very first time, I can say that the writer's dead right, that the replaced scene in "Sleeper" is most definitely a spoof of the scene in "Tom Jones". Interestingly, Mrs. Waters then takes Tom Jones to the bedroom while holding a candle but, unlike Diane Keaton's Luna, she doesn't set Tom's arm on fire.




Note - there is a scene in "Bananas" where Allen, recruited into a Latin American revolution, and a woman are eating a meal together, which is doubtless what the reviewer mentions...but I swear I've never seen this scene in "Sleeper" and I caught it when it first played in theaters. Were they still making US vs international releases at this point?

Great, here I've been searching for missing footage from "The President's Analyst" to no result, and now I have something else to look for.


Someone with a copy needs to youtube this because I really want to see it.


Its on Netflix has all the scenes
