Replaced scenes.
Remember when Miles and Luna were on the run and they came upon the now empty scientists' house where Miles was first "stashed" after he was taken from the capsule? They went inside and we got to see them sitting on the stairs inside the house and chatting. They spoke about making love and Miles said that, if she was to hear any wheezing, it was because of his asthma.
Now, when I first saw the film years ago, between these two scenes, there was a great scene of the two of them about to eat a big meal. Miles sitting at one end of the table and Luna sat facing him.
As a rather fast piece of classical piano music played, Miles started to stuff all kinds of food into his mouth. The film was speeded up, to work in tandem with the music. This was intercut with Luna, looking on in amazement, slowly drinking her wine. The shots of Luna coincided with the music slowing down.
There then followed a short scene of Miles looking like he's about to show Luna a card trick. The trick seemed to involve the use of a lighted candle. We didn't hear the dialogue (I think jazz music played over the top of it)but, as Miles seemed explained how it was to work, Luna accidentally set Miles arm on fire with the already lighted candle.
Now, when I saw the film recently, the eating scene and the card trick scene were replaced by a new scene of Miles shaving at a big mirror. His "reflection" became out of sync., he messed around with the controls, then he found himself staring at a strange woman who was shaving her face.
Does anyone else remember the eating and card trick scenes? Does anyone know why they were replaced? I gather that Woody doesn't usually include deleted scenes on his DVDs but do these missing scenes turn up in any form on the 'Sleeper' DVD?