MovieChat Forums > Sleeper (1973) Discussion > Favorite lines (There's a lot of them!)

Favorite lines (There's a lot of them!)

I went through this and didn't spot a "favorite lines" category, so decided to start one of my own. After all, this movie is just loaded with great moments, so I think we should all get together and share them.

Here's mine --

When Myron is watching a video clip of commentary by Howard Cosell. The scientist showing him the clip comments that they're not sure exactly what the significance of it is, but they figure that the people of the 20th century, when they broke the law, "...Had to watch this as punishment." And Myron replies "Yep, yep, that's exactly right."

Myron making the comment that when President Nixon left office, the Secret Service had to count the silverware.

During the cloning sequence, when Myron is found out, he grabs what's left of the leader and shouts, "Take one more step, and I'll shoot you're leader's nose!"

I could go on and on, of course, but I thought I'd leave the rest to everyone else. Anybody else want to share?


I was young when I first saw sleeper, but I rememeber the line that really made me laugh was "That's a big chicken"


Oh, there are so many funny lines in this movie.......many of them I did not understand when I first saw the movie in 1973. I agree with all that has been posted so far. May I add a few more?

While in the woods with Luna, Miles hears a weird noise and asks Luna about "...anything weird and futuristic, like with the head of a crab and the body of a social worker?" Just try to picture that, LMAO!

At the cloning lab, Miles says to the other doctors, "I came to see the nose, I heard it was running."

Again at the lab, Miles points his fake gun at the stolen nose and says, "One more step and your leader gets it between the eyes!"

Again at the lab, the whole song-and-dance ordeal Miles and Luna made over "checking the cell structure!" as they conversed with the computer.

As Miles is being chased by the police, he is trying to lift off the ground with the weird flying machine, he mutters to himself, "god-damned cheap Japanese flying back pack...."

As an NYU graduate, I always enjoy the little NYU jokes he tosses into his movies. In a scene with Luna back at the the abandoned doctor's house, Luna tells him she took a course in oral sex. Miles replies that that was "... a two-point course at NYU!"

I'll think of some more later.


When Miles and Luna are about to push the Volkswagen over a cliff, they are discussing their religious views. Miles tells Luna he is a "...teleological-existential-atheist, which means I believe there is a general intelligence to the universe with the exception of certain parts of New Jersey!"

When Miles escapes from the robot repair center, he enters Luna's car and describes himself to her this way: "I would never force myself sexually on a blind person!"

And just after that great line "That's a big chicken!" he says this: "What a way to go, to be pecked to death!"


When Miles and Luna are about to push the Volkswagen over a cliff, they are discussing their religious views. Miles tells Luna he is a "...teleological-existential-atheist, which means I believe there is a general intelligence to the universe with the exception of certain parts of New Jersey!"

When Miles escapes from the robot repair center, he enters Luna's car and describes himself to her this way: "I would never force myself sexually on a blind person!"

And just after that great line "That's a big chicken!" he says this: "What a way to go, to be pecked to death!"


My brain?! That's my second favourite organ!


i thought the bazooka guys were funny as heck.

but can erno do this! (does crazy dance thing)

"Howard Beale, the first man to be killed for having lousy ratings."


My fave lines tend to be the more obscure ones.

anything the jewish robots say is very very funny.

" stuck with 2 pieces coudaroh!"


I get all these old Woody Allen movies mixed up.

Is this the one where they do the pastiche of Streetcar named Desire?

Diane Keaton's Marlon Brando impersonation is priceless.


Yes, it was this movie which had the Streetcar spoof. Remember the "Eat your shicksa" line they bungled? LOL


How could they be dead? They all ate organic rice.


I think we should have had sex, but there weren't enough people.




"Fly, God damnit, fly....God damn cheap, Japanese flying packs...."

and during the break in part of Erno's plan, when Woody is left dangling on the end of the long piece of tape from that oversized reel to reel machine

"Phew, for a minute there, I thought you didn't know how to work the machine."

"Someone has been tampering with Hank's memories."


I always wondered about a joke from Sleeper, though I never understood the punch-line because I couldn't hear or maybe I just didn't know any better.
Perhaps the IMDB community can help me out here. I hope so.

The joke is quoted in the quotes section of the movie's IMDB page, but the punch-line is still missing!
It begins--

Luna Schlosser: You were screaming out different names in your sleep.
Miles Monroe: I was having sexual nightmares.

But what has been left off is Luna's reply back (the punch-line)--

Luna Schlosser: Oh...Who are the _ _ _ Gypsies?

It sounds like she says "ANP" or "AMP" or...well i don't know. Any ideas?


The A&P Gypsies were a popular music orchestra featured on a radio program sponsored by the A&P Grocery chain in the 1930's.


my favorite line was when they were ditching the volkswagen and it lands in shallow water.
'just my luck, it landed on the back of a turtle'

the streetcar thing was really funny too.


"Diane Keaton's Marlon Brando impersonation is priceless."

This is true.


"Someday we'll be trying to steal Erno's nose."

Maybe not so much funny as true.


Yeah I thought the bazooka guys were pretty funny.
also, in the beginning when they told him to identify those people how each one was wrong. pretty much the whole movie is quite funny.


"I just beat a man sensless with a strawberry."



My favorite is:

I'm what you would call a teleological, existential atheist. I believe that there's an intelligence to the universe, with the exception of certain parts of New Jersey.


The dinner party with his parents.

"Oy vey what will the Goyim say?"

"Shut up and eat your shiska".

Maybe you have to be Jewish to get them.





I haven't seen my analyst for 200 years.




Perform sex? Uh, uh, I don't think I'm up to a performance, but I'll rehearse with you, if you like."


"Nobody's frigid with me!" rotfl


As a jew I found that whole scene with those tailor-robots absolutely hilarious. "You're killing me with all this velvet", "Just drop dead, you wanna drop dead?" and then woody complains: "This is terrible, it's too small!" "ehhh... Bring it in, and i'll have it ready in a week."


"You want stripes? We got stripes! You want plaids? We got plaids!"


At the cloning center

Miles: You're a sucker. What you didn't realize is that you're dealing with one of the greatest minds you've ever seen.

Luna: Yeah, and his isn't so bad either!

I got Sunshine in my stomach
