Favorite lines (There's a lot of them!)
I went through this and didn't spot a "favorite lines" category, so decided to start one of my own. After all, this movie is just loaded with great moments, so I think we should all get together and share them.
Here's mine --
When Myron is watching a video clip of commentary by Howard Cosell. The scientist showing him the clip comments that they're not sure exactly what the significance of it is, but they figure that the people of the 20th century, when they broke the law, "...Had to watch this as punishment." And Myron replies "Yep, yep, that's exactly right."
Myron making the comment that when President Nixon left office, the Secret Service had to count the silverware.
During the cloning sequence, when Myron is found out, he grabs what's left of the leader and shouts, "Take one more step, and I'll shoot you're leader's nose!"
I could go on and on, of course, but I thought I'd leave the rest to everyone else. Anybody else want to share?