Before or After Watergate Investigations?
Was the movie finished before or after the Watergate investigations were going on? I was born in 1980, so I was not around yet. I was curious because when the doctor is asking questions about the important people (Howard Cosell, Chiang Kai Shek, Billy Grahan, Stalin, Nixon, etc.) of Woody's time period, he says about Nixon: "We have developed a theory that he (Nixon) may have been at one time a President of the United States, but he did something horrendous that all records, everything was wiped out about him. There is nothing about him in history books, no stamps, no money." The movie was released in 1973, but Nixon did not resign until a year later, so the chrnology is a bit confusing.
BTW Woody's answer was that when Nixon would leave the White House, the Secret Service would count the silverware.