Is it a film?

Didn't see this when it came out but was told about certain scenes. Having attempted to sit through it, those scenes are there, but in no particular order. I don't see how it qualifies as a film. There are non-related scenes, no plot of speak about, Woody Allen can't seem to find a comb in the future. At one point Allen goes into a monologue from "Streetcar Named Desire" and Keaton does a Marlon Brando imitation (I think that's what it was supposed to be).Why do they throw the volkswagon off the mountain? It looks like many little scenes from other films thrown together. It's really bad.


Judging by all reviews, it actually does qualify as a film...... and a very good one !! It's a zany sci/fi comedy from the seventies ( yeah..... it was supposed to be silly ). Outrageously hilarious on the big screen ....when it came out.


Pardon for stating the obvious, but whether or not a film is defined as such, doesn't depend upon the presence - or the lack - of a "plot" (which Sleeper, incidentally, does have). Even Kentucky Fried Movie which truly does consist of skits that don't have anything to do with each other, is a "film".

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



A film doesn't have to have a plot to be a film, but this one does. i don't find it difficult to follow at all.
