Jaclyn Smith

With Jaclyn in the Pamela Franklin role SSFG would seem like a very early pilot for "Charlie's Angels".


I love Cheryl & Kate but SSFG its like a Charlie´s Angels bad episode + Devil stuff. 5/10, only for the hot women.

low-budget, straight-to-video, Cult B-movies,

or nothing


It wasn't even straight-to-video. There was no video (vhs or beta) back then. It was just made for TV.


If she knew Cheryl from before on SSFG, why was she reportedly such a douche to her in Charlie's Angels? It's not like Cheryl went to Aaron and said "Yo, Aaron, why don't you do me a solid and get rid of Fawcett so I can take over? I promise to wear tiny bikinis on some episodes."
Again, Kate was my favorite, actually but that was unfair of her.


Sorry. Meant to start a new topic, not reply.
