Favorite funny scenes

I think this is one of Disney's funniest "older" movies. The funniest scene to me was John's bedroom scene as Robin is stealing the gold....just the whole thing like when he kicks Hiss in the face and when he starts sucking his thumb and Robin's pulling the gold away so he can't suck his thumb anymore and he whines like a baby because he can't get to his thumb. That makes me laugh every time. XD

And the puppet thing the villagers put on was pretty good too. XD

And Little John every time he disguised himself...XD and how the rhino guard stared at his butt and wolf-whistled while he was in drag...XD (Yeah, ever notice that Phil Harris's bear character dresses in drag a lot?!)


Hey, it's the "mori no otomodachi!!


"Phoney King of England"- the lyrics are hilarious
The whole archery contest scene
Anything to do with Prince John and Sir Hiss, their witty banter was so funny, both Peter Ustinov and Terry Thomas did great jobs with the voices
When Lady Kluck gets hit on the foot with the wooden sword, and then she says "Mummy!" and sucks her thumb like Prince John
"I'm Sir Reginald, Duke of Chutney. And don't stick your tongue out at me kid!"
Seeing Little John in a dress cracks me up every time

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeleine Kahn(CLUE, 1985)


I agree, Hiss's and John's banter is HILARIOUS. XD Little John in a dress is pretty funny but I think I laughed harder when he pulled on those huge pink-poka-dotted bloomers!! XD

Hey, it's the "mori no otomodachi!!


1. Lady Cluck Taking down the guards NFL style while "On Wisconsin" is playing.

2. the whole archery contest scene

3. "Now look what you've done to your mother's Castle"

4. The Pre-JailBreak scenes: "don't worry, sheriff, the safety's on old betsy."

The Star Wars "prequels": the story of Assakin ****kicker and Badme Imahorriblemother.



when Hiss and the Sherrif are singing "phony king of England" as Prince John walks in. That whole scene is hysterical. I also love the scene where Robin robs PJ dressed up as a psychic gypsy. Robin Hood is easily one of Disney's funniest films.


The archery contest fight scene is hilarious. The mixture of the music and the animation is pure genius. My daughter and I are in stitches every time we watch it!


The entirety of the riot following the archery contest! Particularly Lady Kluck going all NFL!

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I think ANY scene involving Little John and Lady Cluck is bound to get a good laugh! =)


Anything with Prince John and Sir Hiss. They were hilarious!

Also when Robin sings the sherriff to sleep with a southern accent: "rest your eyeballs".


For me it was Friar Tuck exploding "GET OUT OF MY CHURCH!" right in the Sheriff's face.

"Here, throw these!"
"What are they? Gas Grenades?"
"No, its Cat food!"


Sir Hiss propelling around in a balloon


Yeah, I love it when John keeps acting like a little baby in this.
