Recycled Disney Animation...Haven't you seen it before?
If you watch the bonus features on the DVD, the makers talk about how they used scenes from Snow White in "The Phony King of England"
When Marian is dancing with the dog, this is the same dance Snow White did with the Dopey and the dwarves in the coat. They simply painted over this.
They did this several other times in the "PKingofEngland"
You see a "Chinese" bunny playing drums?
Same as the chinese cat from "everybody wants to be a cat"--Aristocats
Trumpet playing cat--Skat Cat...Painted over.
Little John is basically Baloo, but brown. Watch his eyes when he sings the PKOE. Its the same as Baloo's in "I wanna be like you"
Except, the monkeys have been transformed into bunnies.
Same dance too.
Marian also does the same body shake dance as dutchess the cat.
Heck, that chicken and Little John do the same exact dance as Louie and Baloo.
Again, I'm not making this up. Animators admit to painting over previous works. Maintaining characteristics, movements, etc. Just putting it into a different film. New colors. Etc.
Don't believe me?
Phony King:
Everybody wants to be a cat:
I wanna be like you:
Note similarities. :)