"Leonard Nimoy is retired from acting, and doesn't intend to do any more acting roles"
Well, yeah, other than the ones he does. 8) But still, there might be others who could pull off the quiet intensity.
I would not immediately think of Patrick Stewart for quiet mad intensity. I'd cast a heavy, such as Javier Bardem, or Peter Stormare (I think the Coens can pick a heavy who isn't ALSO a parody). Hugo Weaving (thinking of Keanu Reeves got me thinking of Hugo Weaving) could pull it off, too.
For Kendra, I'd go young, scandalously so. To pull a big name out of the hat, consider Dakota Fanning (assuming she's be game for weird horror). Here's why -- first of all, you'd freak out the audience at the end, because she's only fifteen, so that's instant Weird Indy Cred. Secondly, think in terms of an ant. They might want a human that is as young as possible, but still, er, useful. Ants are pretty much ready to go as soon as they're born (depending on their function), so the idea that the ants would choose to preserve a woman younger than we would consider socially acceptable drives home more strongly the idea that they just think differently. They are totally alien.
Lesko's a toughie, because he can't be stronger/bigger than Hubbs, but he still has to seem like a very smart guy -- the kind of egghead that WOULD spend years using game theory to talk to whales. The closest Reeves has come to that sort of role might be Chain Reaction. I'd try Lou Taylor Pucci, maybe, who has all the charm and prettiness of Reeves, but I think could actually pass for a brilliant and reclusive egghead, or maybe Benjamin Bratt (roughed up a lot). If I wanted to really squick my audience, though, I'd find someone to play Lesko who is suficiently old enough, or funny-looking enough, such that when we realize they've been paired off with a young girl, it makes us squirm uncomfortably in our seats. So, maybe I'd take one of those fellows, but arrange for him to have had some disfiguring scar across his face as a youth (driving him to egghead work, say...).
Just off the top of my head.