Few Points/Questions
First of all I would just like to comment that near the beginning of the movie, when Dega and Papillon are trying to strike a deal with another inmate and Papillon says "Don't you need to go to the bathroom?" or something to that effect to Dega... was that supposed to be a joke? I wanted to laugh at that comment but I'm not sure if it was supposed to be funny or a dead serious commentary on the primitive ways that inmates hid their money.
Another thing, when Dega gets his ankle saudered by the hot knife, afterwards he asks if he fooled Papillon. I'm not quite positive but I think Dega was saying this in an attempt to salvage his dignity. Just wondering about that scene.
*A bit of a Spoiler*
And last, when Dega and Papillon are supposedly "free" men on the island toward the end of the movie, has Dega gone a bit insane? He definitely seems a bit out of it and I suppose this could be a representation of the effects of imprisonment, and probably solitary confinement, on Dega but I'm not sure. Just making sure that other people here agree that Dega's personality had changed in a weird way.