MovieChat Forums > Paper Moon (1973) Discussion > Kind of impressed with the cars.

Kind of impressed with the cars.

There's a great chase seen when Mose and Addie are being chased by the corrupt cop, and watching those late 20s and early 30s cars being hammered that hard surprised me at their toughness. I mean, it's no Bullitt certainly but they thrashed those old cars pretty good.

BTW, the guy handling that big heavy Packard knew what he was doing.


That was great. Thanks for posting that vid. I’ve never seen the movie from start to finish. I’m assuming they used some kind of doll or dummy for Tatum in the distance shots but that was her in the right front seat when her door came open as he gunned it in reverse from the parking spot. I don’t know if filmmakers could do anything like that today


I don’t know if filmmakers could do anything like that today

I thought the same thing! (and I wonder if that wasn't a driving mistake by O'Neill) There was also a scene where Addie was sitting on a pile of high objects in the car - looked very dangerous even if she was belted down.
