
Just saw this flick last night and really enjoyed it. One
question...why the title? Yes, yes, I know she sat in a paper moon for
a photo at the fair and then gave the photo as a gift to Moze, but what
was so incredibly signifigant about that? It was based on a book
entitled "Addie Pray". Why didn't they go with that?


Bogdanovich felt that the title "Addie Pray" would not attract those not familiar with the book. He was listening to songs recorded during the Depression-era and came upon the song "Paper Moon." He asked Orson Welles if it would be a good title for the movie and he said, "It's so good you shouldn't release the movie. Just release the title." And I guess what Orson says goes.


Interesting. Even if this isn't true, it's a great story (the part about Welles, that is).


It is a wonderfully true story, Bogdanovich tells of that story on the DVD commentary, and he and Orson Welles were good friends also.



I believe the title comes from Ella Fitzgerald's song "It's only a Paper Moon", which fits both Addie and Moses' characters.
