I'm a huge fan of this film
I love every minute of it. I think it's brillient. Now, why am I buttering all you die-hard fans up like this? Because I'm about to use the dreaded r-word: remake. i know you all hate remakes out there, so you need not tell me how it would be "disrespectful to" and "never as good as" the original. you can save it. i've heared it a million times before. now, i think that IF (and that is a big "if") it were to be remade, George Clooney would be a good choice for Mose and Chloe Moretz would be perfect as Addie. Anyone know if those two can sing? because this would also make for a great broadway musical, and they'd be perfect choices from an acting standpoint. vocally, I'm not sure.
P.S. please don't yell at me for suggesting a remake. this isn't the first remake i've ever suggested and most of the time people shoot me down and are downright nasty about it. i'm just throwing out an idea here. no need to be mean. IMDb is supposed to be fun.
Alice Army