I think Paper Moon may end up being my favorite movie of all-time; I feel like I was destined to see it and may have some kind of connection(s) to it. For instance, I was an over-the-road truck driver but asked to be put on a dedicated run, which would get me home more, because I was ready to quit OTR; I'd had it. I was obliged with a run that picked up batteries for GM in, none other than, St. Joseph, MO. In fact, it didn't even dawn on me until near the end of my time on that run, and possibly, not until after I was replaced, resulting in my resignation from truck driving; so, I didn't get to do much exploring in St. Joe, or asking the people there about Paper Moon, though I realize it was filmed at other locations.
I can't remember exactly when I first saw it, but I know it was on TV and probably in the late 70's when I was around 10. I loved it so much then (even though I can remember thinking, "Addie seems TOO smart; how can she be that smart when I was about her age or older at the time?" Yes, I was a fairly dense kid, that's how!). It didn't matter, she was so adorable ("I want my 200 dollars!"). The story just made me feel like I was there, and ever since, every time I've watched it, it's actually felt like it's summer, no matter what the temperature really is, outside; no other movie gives me that feeling. In 1990 or so, I bought it on VHS (of course, I love the DVD), & over the years, I've introduced it to several friends & girlfriends, who all seemed to like it (I don't think I've ever met anyone who said that they didn't like this movie). Intentionally, I don't re-watch movies very often, especially my favorites, though I have seen this quite a few times, because I like to get the feeling that I'm watching it for the first time, which doesn't always happen with every movie, of course, when you re-watch them; yet, with Paper Moon, it seems like it does--every time. Underrated masterpiece-exactly!