at the oscars

how did this movie win the best foregin film at the 1974 oscars... only to get nominated for 3 major oscars the following year?


It was not released in Los Angeles county until 1974. The rules at the time said that whenever a film was released in L.A. county it could compete for regular Ocars, no mater when it was initally released or what it did in previous years foreign Oscar competitions.

Now a film that is nominated for Foreign Language Oscar can not compete for other awards the next year when it released in L.A. country. Does anyone know when this rule was enacted?


Thank you, Richard, for clearing up this mystery for me! I actually came to this board just to find that answer.

God bless IMDb:)



Not the only movie at all.

Jan Troell's Utvandrama (1971, aka The emigrants, with Liv Ullmann and Max Von Sydow) was nominated for Best Foreign Film in 1972 and received 4 nominations the next year too.
Sadly didn't won none.


Battle for Algiers was also nominated in 1967 and again in 1969.
