Nowhere in sight? Huh, that's pretty strange, I've seen it in many top 3's. In fact, I consider it as good as Raging Bull and Taxi Driver. Taxi Driver might still be my favorite Scorsese film, and even my favorite movie of all time, but this one is just fantastic, and, along Who's That Knocking at My Door, is Scorsese's most personal film. Words can't describe my love for this gem. Just watch it, you won't regret it. It is the film that made me say "That's it, I'm going to be a movie director and make a film like this one." You know, first time I've seen it, I can't say I liked it that much, but after a second viewing, I consider it to be one of the best movies ever made. Robert De Niro delivers one of his best performance in his entire career, and Harvey Keitel does a fabulous job as well. Harvey has became one of my favorite actors after seeing this film.
It's not dated at all, and trust me, every Scorsese fan (and no, I'm not talking about people who love The Departed and that's it) would say that this movie is up there with Raging Bull and Taxi Driver. It was and still is a very innovative movie for its time, with an absolutely fantastic soundtrack (using music like that in a film was something very special back then, in fact I could say that Scorsese has influenced a lot of filmmakers with his use of music in Mean Streets), and the camerawork is simply great (there's even one scene when the camera is stripped to Keitel's body!), and then Scorsese also uses slowmotion, which I've found really interesting.
Do see it, you won't regret it. I really hope you can find it. Please come back here and share your thoughts on it after you see this masterpiece.