MovieChat Forums > Magnum Force (1973) Discussion > John Milius' Commentary

John Milius' Commentary

In the audio commentary, when Briggs reveals himself as one of the Death Squad and pulls a gun on Harry in the car, John Milius says Harry isn't worried because "he knows this guy is just a wimp liberal." Um, what? In the Dirty Harry universe (at least according to Milius), liberals are actively trying to protect criminals and thwart true justice, which is why Milius keeps saying we need vigilante cops like Harry (more on this below).

Doesn't Briggs being a member of the Death Squad - nay, its mastermind and creator! - make him as far from what these movies consider a "liberal" as possible? If he were a liberal he'd be opposing the Death Squad, not supporting it! And yet even after he's revealed as being pro-vigilante, Milius keeps calling Briggs a "whiny liberal."

John Milius also bemoans the state of the American justice system, and says we need vigilante cops (his words not mine) like Harry. Except Harry isn't a vigilante.

What sets him apart from Briggs and the Death Squad (and what they - and Milius - can't seem to understand) is that Harry kills suspects while they're committing crimes. Usually while they're fleeing capture, endangering nearby people, or attacking him directly, and, more than once, he has shot to wound and brought bad guys in alive.

He does what it takes to get the job done, but at the end of the day, theres only so far he's prepared to go. He doesn't hunt crooks down to their homes and murder them in cold blood after they've had their day in court because he doesn't like the verdict (and what's more, he himself says as much).

So he isn't a vigilante. He operates as much as he can within the law, sometimes a little outside it, but there's a line Harry almost never crosses. The only thing he's guilty of is arguably excessive force.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"


Well said. Somewhere in one of these threads a poster made a similar comment, like, "Yeah, you can expect that from someone like Briggs, one of those wimp liberals..." and I thought, "What the freen is he talking about? I guess this guy automatically concludes Briggs has to be a 'liberal', regardless of what he actually thinks or does in the film, simply because he happens to be the villain. What bizarre logic."


I've not heard Milius' comments in context, but it sounds like he was talking about what Harry would think of Briggs until the end. Remember Briggs' "I've never had to take my gun out of its holster. I'm proud of that."? Briggs also made comments suggesting Harry always used excessive force. Until their final confrontation, Harry thought Briggs was too soft. And he was. A man's got to know his limitations.


He wrote it so I'm inclined to believe his words. How it plays out and received by the audience is another thing.

This is one of my favourite commentaries. Especially the part were he reacts to Harry pumping 6 rapid shots dead centre of the target at the firing range with his .44. "Aint movies the greatest?"

Glasgow's FOREMOST authority Italics = irony. Infer the opposite please.


lol wow the guy sounds like an idiot. It's a shame as this has lowered my appreciation of the film.


JuliusAgricola wrote:

lol wow the guy sounds like an idiot. It's a shame as this has lowered my appreciation of the film.

Milius is the idiot? Try looking in the mirror pal. Your appreciation of a movie hinges on the political leanings of the screenwriter? If that was such an important facet, wouldn't you have already noticed it plastered all over the film itself?

Briggs repeatedly boasted of never even having to draw his weapon. It's not unreasonable for Milius to view such an attitude toward peacekeeping as a liberal trait. It's one thing to have never drawn his gun, and altogether another to crow about it and use it as a club to shame the cops who have, as if pulling out a gun while policing means a cop is a knuckle-dragging fascist secretly hoping for an excuse to kill somebody. What Briggs is really saying is that for 30 years he deftly avoided tangling with criminals who did have guns, and later in his career was probably content to let the other police do the shooting for him.

Milius is no idiot. He did get his jollies playing up a macho man image, guns and all, as a foil to the stereotypical Hollywood lip-service limousine liberalism that existed in the 70s and has only gotten stronger since. He's obviously a very intelligent man.


John is that you?

I like your films John but you simply come across as an ass.

How dare you insult my conservative credentials. I'll have you know I am a lubed up member of both the Retardpublican Party and the Heritage Wanknation.

reply cute. But you still haven't answered the other poster's comments.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


It's too stupid to consider replying to. John Milius is not someone whose political commentary could be described as trustworthy. I am guessing you are a Trump voter who thinks Liberals are responsible for everything wrong in your life?


You actually think Trump is anything other than a Trojan Horse muck up things for the GOP & give lotsa negative publicity for the TMZ crowd?

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


JuliusAgricola wrote:

I like your films John but you simply come across as an ass.

So do you, but your IMDB posts stink. You don't even have that going for you.

-- John Frederick Milius


oi ccr1633 you little racist *beep* found you , so what *beep* country are you from, you obviously ain't British u little racist weasel.


davidmrenton wrote:

oi ccr1633 you little racist *beep* found you , so what *beep* country are you from, you obviously ain't British u little racist weasel.

I am from Vatican City. The British bother me because they're too polite, like you.


Pathetic John.
