Where can I buy this film?
It's not available on Amazon....
Royal Musketeer #2 of JDB
Check this site out - they have a DVD of it
Ta chuck.
Royal Musketeer #2 of JDB
For years, my wife and i have tried to find this movie to buy. we've seen it on TV 3 times. we love the theme song. we love the pace of the movie. we love the actors and the acting. this should be counted an American classic. had we known we'd never see it again (since appx 1987) we'd have recorded it on VCR (not sure we had one then!). we try every year to ffind it. I'm encouraged the we can register our vote with TCM...but 72 votes is not substantial--how many will tip the scale?
I hope we can get it soon!
Try iOffer.com they have a great copy that someone recorded off of TCM. Great price too!