Gave it a 6

the much touted "lesbian subtext" hasway over blown, and parts were a little dull, but overall great creepy atmosphere and tripped out ending that makes you think. I definitely think that a lot was being communicated by way of allegory here.


i gave it 5
visualy great
but too boring for me


I give your insipid comment a '4' for lack of imagination and poor spelling...


I gave LEMORA a solid 9. Great visuals, great sequences, an eerie little drive-in classic. I love the look achieved from a low budget horror movie when it attempts this kind of gothic atmosphere. That artificial aesthetic lends so much surrealism and beauty to a story like this. I'll take it over locations any day of the week.


I persoanlly gave it a 7. The cinematography, setting, and production design were all top notch, but the sexual overtones (the big downfall, especially the rampant pedophilia) and lack of horror in a good amount of the film (not that it needs to be present in every minute of every horror film) hurt it in my eyes. Could have been a 9+ though.



so did I

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


6 sounds about right. I agree with boring at parts, but good visuals. Rainbeaux Smith was 20 playing 13? Wow, she pulled it off.



Actually, 17/18 when the film was made.


I gave it a 6 the first time I watched it, but now I would raise my rating up to an 8. It's much better the second time around so if you don't like it the first time, you should give it a second chance. It seems like one of those films where you catch something new you missed every time to me.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!

