Nervous About Farewell Tour-HELP
Hubby and I seeing JCS on March 27 in Mesa, AZ. I've seen this live three 1978, then twice in 1993 (actually met Ted Neely after the 1978 show...I was 19 years old and literally speechless). The 1993 shows were fantastic.
My husband never cared for the movie version, but I told him how different the show was live. I've wanted him to see this show for years now, feeling that he would really like the live stage version.
I've seen many different opinions about this Farewell Tour. Should I be confident that my hubby will enjoy this show or not? Will he be disappointed? He loves "Phantom of the Opera" if that helps so is obviously not adverse to musicals. And will he see in Ted Neely what I've always seen in him...a great voice?
(I'll miss not seeing you, Carl Anderson).