Wanta have the real Superstar save you forever?
There are many wonderful verses in the Bible that will help you recieve Christ (like the extrememely popular & comforting John 3:16) I would like to quote Romans 6:23 and break it down for you
Romans 6:23-For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life
in Jesus Christ our Lord
If your interested lets examine all the key words and their meaning in this verse
wages-what we receive for what we have done
sin-what we do in word,deed,or thought that does not please God
death-eternal seperation from God
gift-something freely given and freely received
God-the creator of the universe, the world, and us
eternal life-receiving God's forgiveness, abundant life now, and Heaven forever
Jesus Christ-our Lord, lived a sinless life, died to pay the penalty for our sins, rose fromm the dead, and offers us the gift of eternal life
If you never asked Jesus for the greatest and most important gift you will ever receive please I very strongly encourage you to now. I belive that to get the gift of salvation is to belive in Christ and ask God. I belive you can say like this . If you want, you may use your own words but ask from your heart and mean it-
Dear God, I admit I am a sinner and lost. I also belive that Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead to pay for my wages of sin. I repent of my sins and ask
you to come into my heart as Lord and Savior forever. Thank you so much for
your free gift of eternal life. In Jesus name, Amen
If you said that prayer or one like it and mean it from your heart then I belive you will be a superstar with Jesus in the kingdom of heaven. I will
encourage you to contact a local church that teaches Christ & the Bible. Tell
them that you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior. They can help continue to
grow with Christ through babtism, daily prayer, regular bible reading, regular church attendance and learning how to share salvation messages like this through
others. Loving and forgiving others is def important in strengthing your journey
to the kingdom
I feel compeled to leave with these passages from Isaiah 12:1-3. I read it the
other day and it really inspired me
Isaiah 12:1-3- Oh Lord, I will praise You; Though You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me. Behold, God is my salvation, I will
trust and not be afraid; For YAH, the Lord is my strength and song; He also has
become my salvation
may the Lord bless and save all who read this
Have a blessed day :)
Romans 6:23
John 10:27-29