MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Discussion > You know Mary Magdalene was NOT a hooker...

You know Mary Magdalene was NOT a hooker in the Bible!

The hooker story ends ("now go and sin no more") then Mary Magdalene appears. It might be suggested that the male hierarchy in the church was comfortable with that since Mary put a lot of the guys in the New Testament to shame. And after all, who reads the prostitute story and stops on a dime? Perhaps they thought Mary WOULD be associated with this story?


"It's the system, Lara. People will be different after the Revolution."


And in newer adaptations, ( possibly due in part to the success of Dan Brown's "The DiVinci Codes" as well as findings of the centuries old "lost Books of the Bible" at Hag Hamaddin containing gospels written by Mary Magdalene as well as other deiciples writings not included thr Bible around 300 AD indicating that she was not only NOT a prostitute and actually one of the original 12 diciples . It is rumored that she is not the same Mary, sister to Martha and Lazarus whom Chist raised from a death from leprosy. The Council of Nicea in Rome decided which gospels were to be included. Other Diciples not included were Thomas, Simon Peter


I did not know that. Thanks.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


So if you see any Craiglist ads for Mary Magdelene, know that it's probably an imposter of some sort! :-)
