I think it was meant to show Herod as an illegitimate leader, a puppet of the Romans only interested in his own personal pleasures.
You guys might be interested in a story about Josh Mostel's casting. Josh, you see, is the son of Zero Mostel, the original Tevye in Broadway's Fiddler on the Roof. When Norman Jewison was directing the movie version of Fiddler, he decided that Zero's kind of performance wasn't what he wanted for his movie version, so he cast Topol (who did do a marvelous job). Zero was quite peeved about this.
A year or so later, of course, Jewison directed JCS and cast Josh Mostel as Herod. The story goes that when Josh called up his old man to tell him the good news, Zero snorted, "You should have told him to cast TOPOL'S son!"
Anyway, as far as Herods go, I'd also like to recommend Victor Spinetti (British comic character actor, pal of the Beatles, and veteran of three of their movies) on the 20th anniversary studio recording. He practically walks away with the whole album, especially his delivery of "Hey...aren't...you...SCARED of me, Christ? Mr. Wonderful Ca-Rist?!"