Nobody and Trinity

I've watched My name is nobody a lot of time and the music is among the best soundtrack there is.

But I recently watched another spag/western called My name is trinity with still Terence Hill (aka Nobody and Trinity) and I realized that he was wearing the same outfit from Nobody in the Trinity movie but I little more torn up and used.
Could it be that there would be a link in between the two character. Both seems like the same character.
Though My name is Nobody was made after the Trinity movies.

any thoughts...

my growing DVD collection


I don't think they're the same character. It's probably just that the director & Leone are playing off the wildly popular [at least in Europe] Trinity character. Sort of an inside joke.


I agree, it was Leone making fun of a genre he made popular, and the Trinity films was mostly making fun of Leone and his 'man with no name' films. Too bad Bud Spencer wasn't in it, just a bit part would have been great fun. Hill and Spencer did great work together, not always 'A list', but always laugh out loud funny =)


Cool, thx for the info,

see you on the board.

my growing DVD collection
