Peckinpah Jab?

Anyone notice that in addition to the fact that the outlaw gang is called "The Wild Bunch" the indian cemetary contains a grave labeled "Sam Peckinpah"? Any history behind this?? Or just a reference?


The Wild Bunch was a real group of people.


Yup. The movie is definitely a tribute, homage, and take-off on classic westerns. Tons of sly references to other Westerns, other movie cliches, etc. Knowing rerences to Leone's own films, of course.

But, definitely NOT a jab at Peckinpah -- he was a director widely respected by Valerii/Leone, and an icon among Spaghetti Western filmmakers, if for no other reason than that he was instrumental in "redefining" the Western with a "modern" sensibility, irony, etc. -- perhaps most strikingly expressed in his then often-criticized "excessive" levels of bloody violence [he was, afterall, nicknamed "Bloody Sam"]. Levels of violence that to today's audiences often look rather tame.

Finally, as the OP says, there was a real "Wild Bunch," but I'd bet
the reference is to the Peckinpah film, not the historical reality.


Actually the tombstone with the name Sam Peckinpah was in the movie, because Sergio Leone was quite upset with Mr. Peckinpah. He wanted to work with Peckinpah on a movie, but he was turned down. And Leone did not take that too well. At least this is mentioned in one of the documentaries of the German dvds which were released on August 15th.


This is in total contradiction with the interviews of the french DVD!!!
It was just a joke by the script-writer who wanted an "indian name" for the gravestone. he think Peckinpah will be fine but wanted to put a better name later...Leone laught at the joke and they keep it, that's all!


"Actually the tombstone with the name Sam Peckinpah was in the movie, because Sergio Leone was quite upset with Mr. Peckinpah. He wanted to work with Peckinpah on a movie, but he was turned down. And Leone did not take that too well. At least this is mentioned in one of the documentaries of the German dvds which were released on August 15th."

This is the way it really happened. I've read this in several write ups.


Leone wanted Peckinpah to directed A Fistful of Dynamite (aka Duck Your Sucker), but the studio refused do to how "difficult" Peckinpah could get onset sometimes. So Leone eventually gave up and directed it himself. I don't think he was ever mad at Peckinpah about it, just the studio.


"He-no-poke-no-mo" was the best cemetary reference...


If Leone was really trying to slam someone over Duck You Sucker the tombstone would have read "Peter Bogdanovich."


Sam and Sergio met on the set of Monte Hellman's CHINA 9, LIBERTY 37, in about 78. They appear to be amicable enough in a photo together on the set. I've never heard any details on how they got along, though. The story of when Sam met Fellini, though, is great (I've heard it first hand from a very close friend of Sam's). Sam loved Fellini's movies, and was not ashamed to admit it in a star-struck way when they met, I'm told.


Leone and Peckinpah seemed to have had a friendly rivalry, with minor jabs at each other's idiosyncracies, but nothing disrespectful. Leone also paid homage to The Wild Bunch in Duck, You Sucker! with Juan peeing on the ant hill.

"I shall tread uncommon wary and keep my pepperbox handy."


In the Italian version, the second name that Nobody misprounces on the other tombstone is Peter Bogdanovich, but for some reason that's changed in the US dub.

According to Luciano Vincenzoni, Leone hated Peckinpah, who turned it down "Because Peckinpah was a very smart man, like Peter Bogdanovich. Never a smart director accepts to have another director as a producer. Especially if this producer is a man, arrogant, vulgar, and incultivated like Sergio Leone."

"Security - release the badgers."
