Censored dialogue

I'd been meaning to post about this but I kept forgetting.

Anyway, I noticed when I first got the German Paramount special edition (which is very nice, by the way) that there is one line that seems to be censored. On the Paramount release, when Jack Beauregard goes to see Red, Red tells Jack to "go screw himself" before the scene cuts. I seem to recall on another version of the film (probably the Image Entertainment release, but I don't recall) that Red actually tells Jack to "go !@#$ himself".

Which version is the authentic cut? Or am I just imagining that line altogether?


That line is there is one version, I have it in a copy I got from Limewire, but there are a couple other places in the movie where people's swear words at the end of sentences trail off to nothing, just like in the "Trinity" movies. Those times are intentional though, as the director didn't want too many nasty words in what were basically family films, obviously. Any adult would be able to finish the lines with what the actors were going to say, so apparently that was enough for the director, and given the tone of said movies, was enough for me too.


On the BluRay, Red tells Beauregard to "Go ***k yourself!"

The toned-down dub was surely produced for TV, and territories that wanted a PG rated version.
