Scenes borrowed

This was certainly not - and would never have been - nominee for neither 'Oscar', 'Golden Bear' or 'Palme d'Or'.
But I love it. Mostly because of its 'laid back humour' - very much inspired by Leone.
And because of scenes borrowed/stolen and its small comments on other films and film makers - let me take a small handful:

1: Nobody himself: Kikuchiyo - the seventh samurai
2: Nobody catching a fish - taken from 'Seven Samurai'
3: And - consequently, Beauregard: Kambei Shimada
4: A harsh characterization of Sam Peckinpah (the Injun headstone with the name 'Sam Peck-In-Paw')

I'll watch the film again one of these days, and will propably find more
YOU might have some scenes???


The Fun House gun shoot out with the mirrors was swiped from Bruce Lee's "Enter the Dragon" which came out just a few years earlier.
