Is NOBODY a Sergio Leone film?
From a GREAT review by Scherpschutter, with references cited:
Leone thought about the project as ‘a Sergio Leone movie, directed by someone else’ . He wanted Tonino Valerii, one of his most loyal students, to direct the movie, and Valerii is indeed credited as the movie’s sole director. In later interviews Leone claimed he had directed the opening scene, the graveyard scene, Fonda facing the Bunch, and the false duel in New Orleans. He also might have done the mirror and the urinal scene and (part of) the shooting of the beer glasses (2). I don’t think he did any of the slapstick scenes – he explicitly told Hill, who was very keen on being directed by Leone, that he was not going to direct “Trinity” – but he might have had a hand in some of the more light-hearted things in the movie. The mirror scene is usually interpreted as a reference to Orson Welles' The Lady from Shanghai, but is more likely referring to a similar scene in Chaplin’s The Circus. Chaplin was one of Leone’s favorite directors, and some of the comedy in My Name is Nobody feels Chaplinesque (3). The scenes directed by Leone belong to the best remembered of the entire movie, and I don’t think it’s wrong to call My Name is Nobody an essential addenda to the quartet of westerns he made in the sixties. It’s probably more essentially his than the fifth western that officially bears his name: Duck you Sucker!. Stephen Spielberg once called My Name is Nobody his favorite Sergio Leone western.
Much, much more here: