My Favorite of the Old Godzilla Films
Back when Godzilla films were meant to be corny fun, this was the best of the bunch. Sure, if you try to take it seriously as a film it's ridiculous, but as an entry in a series of ridiculous films featuring men in foam rubber monster suits stomping on balsa wood model cities, this ranks right near the top for me.
Jet Jaguar is awesome, the inventor and his friends have a crazy pad and some killer clothes, the aliens rock, and the movie is just FUN.
I know many will disagree, and I fully admit that the 2014 Godzilla and the original 1954 film are both excellent films, but as for the campy fun one expects from Godzilla, the Megalon film can't be beat.
The other standouts, for me anyway, are
Godzilla's Revenge, in that it's not even really a Godzilla film. It's about a kid who imagines Godzilla, and is a nicely paced tale of a latchkey kid in '70s Japan.
Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster, also great cheesy fun with a darkness to it that the other films lack. Much closer to a horror film than anything other than the original
Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster is a rock 'n roll good time