MovieChat Forums > Gojira tai Megaro Discussion > Clearly this is the best episode of Vol....

Clearly this is the best episode of Vol. 10

My God, this was a funny movie, and it is easily the best episode of the MST Vol. 10 pack just recently released this month. The film it self was pretty funny, but the riffing in this film was top notch, and one of the best performances I've seen during the Joel years (if you disagree, please give me your thoughts on a better episode so I can rewatch it). And this isn't a knock on the other episodes that were on this boxset either, as they were all pretty funny. But with the rediculous Jet Jaguar theme song and the Godzilla flying kick (where he seems to glide on his tail?!), this episode, I believe, is overshadows them all.

On Wisconsin!


This or THE GIANT SPIDER INVASION, I haven't decided.


I saw this episode last night for the first time, and God, was it ever funny. There were so many great riffs, that my friend and I's stomachs were hurting just about every five minutes from laughing so hard.

But as a Wisconsinite, The Giant Spider Invasion holds a special place in my heart. But Godzilla vs. Megalon probably has it beat.

Formerly known as LOTRfreak06


Yes, Godzilla's tail gliding drop kick is a classic moment. As for better episodes, I recommend "It Conquered the World" and "The Robot Vs. The Aztec Mummy."


I have the episode on my iPod.

Hilarious episode. Makes the movie watchable.



This was MST3K at it's peak. Probably the funniest episode they ever did. The only other one that comes close is Gamera vs. Guiron which is at best a tie with this ep. Some great songs in that ep "we're going to ride our bicycles, we're going to go and have some fun" and of course "Gamera is really neat, Gamera is filled with meat, we all love you Gamera."

Our children are old enough to read icculous.
