How did foley know

How did foley know who was doing the bank jobs, Eddie never got round to telling him, was it dillon and when in the movie did he tell foley


I thought it was the Peter Boyle character


It must be, but when did he tell foley


It was Dillon (played by Peter Boyle) who told Treasury Agent Foley. This movie was so sparse in rhetorical exposition and context that you never saw the event on screen. When Dillon meets “the Man’s” messenger in the parking lot he shows the familiarity with the names of the bank robbers “bagged in a house up in Milton:” Jimmy Scal[ise], Artie Valentropo, Fritzie Webber and Phil Kenney. Then in the final scene of the movie, Dillon meets Agent Foley one last time and Foley says, “Okay, you gave us Scalise and we’re grateful.” That was the point when the movie confirmed it was Dillon.
