28 votes for 1??

You may not of liked it but 1? Come on. Ugh, this confirms for me that this film should only be seen by film buffs and film students. Other people just don't seem to understand it. The nuances, the visual metaphors, Ana's relationship to Frankenstein's monster....they're all wasted on some people. It's a real shame this film doesn't get more attention or the recognition it deserves. Think before you vote!


It is funny indeed. I have to say I didnt get everything in that movie the first time I saw it, but I was totally taken by the pace of it, the great large shots... Amazing!



somebody giving this movie a 1 is no more ridiculous than somebody giving it a 10.. and to say that this should only be seen by buffs and students is equally preposterous.. find me one artist who's goal of thier work is to please critics?? you either liked this movie, or you did not, and you are not any better either way

