Monkey on the table

Does anyone know what the monkey on the table next to the picture of jesus was about? Shot of lighting the candle - bedside table.


Yes. It is a monkey. On a table. Stuffed. The table belonged to a little girl. Girls like stuffed animals. Thus, a stuffed monkey on a table.

Not EVERYTHING in movies has symbolism. As Sigmund Freud once said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."



Only in your case.


I think the segnificance is important. The monkey is on Ana's side of the table where as the virgin mary picture i think it is, is on isabels side. The two girls represent different types of people thouse who go along with the masses and just live as they are told to by the state and in the case of this film Franco. Where as Ana is the new revolutionary youth. She rebels and lives in a world full of colourful imagination. The monkey is HER virgin Mary. But that is compleatly my own oppinion so i could be wrong.
