Too much symbolism?

I saw this film last night, and was disappointed. Despite beautiful imagery and acting which gave it a unique feel, i didnt find it very engaging or interesting.

Im not that interested in politics, and found most of the symbolism too vague.
Generally i think symbolism is great, but only when used to add something extra to a film. Unfortunately i felt this film used symbols to speak for most of it, rather than the rest of the film speaking for the symbols.

scenes such as the one where isabel strangles the cat, or teases her little sister, or where the father talks about mushrooms and their dangers are simply the daily events for most families.
i dont think a film should rely on the viewer constantly making inferences from these kind of scenes to something bigger when really, thats all it is. Its nice as a backdrop, but not when there is little else of the film to go on.

I guess im just not the target audience for this film, since clearly many of you love it, but was wondering if anyone else thought that this film relied too heavily on the symbolizm?

also did anyone feel similarly and happen to like the film more after further viewings? there are a lot of films that fall in this category for me, however normally there is always an initial interest which is stronger than the one i felt for this, so im inclined to believe that watching it again would make little difference for me...



thanks for sharing your views, ill keep them in mind the next time i watch this (although may not be for a while!).


That was one of the best commentaries on this film I've ever read! Fine work, easypz.

And when he crossed the bridge, the phantoms came to meet him
