MovieChat Forums > Electra Glide in Blue (1973) Discussion > Electra Glide in Blue vs. Billy Jack

Electra Glide in Blue vs. Billy Jack

Though I've never watched them as a double bill or anything, I always saw these two film as opposing sides of the same coin. (Okay, so "vs." might be a little strong, but that's really the best way to get people to the read the post.)

Both cover the shifting politcal/social landscape of the USA in the late 60s/early 70s. Both were made on the same budget scale. Both take place in a western setting and, in their own way, reference that most-American of genres. Both have well-loved theme songs. Both have some very kick-ass slow-motion action sequences. Both main characters had some nifty headgear throughout.

On the other hand...
Electra Glide covers the establishment side while Billy Jack covers the counter-culture. Electra Glide's characters are fleshed out while Billy Jack's are pretty much two-dimensional. Electra Glide gives a fair portrayal of hippies and cops (like any group of people, some are good, some are bad and some are full of horse*beep*) while Billy Jack is rather one sided (though there are a few "suits" that come around to support the school, it pretty much sticks with its young hippies = good/old establishment = bad mindset throughout). Electra Glide's onscreen deaths were tragic while Billy Jack's were done with a sense of justice. Electra Glide's ending was devastating while Billy Jack's was spirited.

(And please don't think I'm bashing Billy Jack. I love that movie, but c'mon, let's face it, it's a cartoon. But there's nothing wrong with that. Just because it might have been one sided and two dimensional, doesn't mean it wasn't a good movie.)

So, which do you prefer and why? It's like The Godfather and GoodFellas, you can love both, but ultimately, you're going prefer one over the other.

"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."

