Pork Chops, Suicides, and Player Pianos in the night
I've always loved the pork chop scene for its ambiguity, its stark black and white drama with no faces, the happy little tune from the player piano, and the string around the toe thing. Plus I love pork chops, so there's the drool factor as well.
The title of the happy little tune was hard to find. It's not listed in the soundtrack section of Glide, and it's not on any other Glide-connected web pages, but it is listed somewhere else on IMDB, under another of my favorite westerns. Yuh-huh, EGIB is too a western! just has electroglide horses is all, you poopy head, you failure, you pig, you pinko, you fudge bar.
This other western (the Mystery Movie) was playing recently on TCM. I had it on 'TV Screen 2' as I did some research on 'TV Screen1' into a game called Marie Rose. It was possibly a game of solitaire. Ha, you do this too, I know you do, I've seen you doing it. The piano tune occurs at about 1:18 into the mystery film, fairly near the end, and involves a baby. After listening to the scene several times on Youtube I swear it's the identical piano piece that appears in EGIB, simply copied from that decades-old film and glued directly into Glide. Oops I practically gave away an answer there. The tune itself was written before the American Civil War by a famous person. He/She also wrote that perennial favorite, Massa's in de Cold, Cold Ground, a sorrowful dirge (or a happy-dance depending on your relationship to Massa.)
Your missions are to 1) name the Mystery Movie, and 2) name that tune and 3) name the famous person, and include another of his/her songs that is more familiar than our suicidal pork chop ditty. I guess that makes four missions. You want some more?? You talkin' to me?? Get outa here, Wintergreen, go put your pants on. Winners get a package of soylent green chops and a colorful string for their toe. BTW, the famous person is dead, you tool, you wine drinker, you yo-yo, you Rubiks's Cube, you crossword addict.
Don't look here, Wintergreen, you're too short to read this kinda stuff.
I'll post the answers in a month or so at the Mystery Movie board, different title you cheater, unless some genius guesses the answers sooner, yeah right. Who is Marie Rose and why is she carrying a baby? haha. Get cracking, you genius, you slacker, you punk, you short cop, I mean pork chop, you Big River. If you guess the answers, don't post them here, post them at the Mystery Movie board so the 'challenged folk' can still have a chance at some fun, lord knows they need some fun.