Why does Blake's character Wintergreen continue after the VW van in the first place ? Why do they shoot and murder him ? Was it all supposed to be a half[BOOP] was to gear up for a sequel. I'm sorry but I don't agree with most other people-I did not like the ending ...



Blake goes back after the van when he realizes that he still has the guy's driver's license after stopping the VW. He was trying to catch up with him to give it back and then he gets shot.

That's the only part I know of. I've seen bits and pieces of this movie over the years, but not the whole thing. I think the two hippies were pulled over earlier in the film and hassled. Blake pulls them over at the end of the movie and gives them a pass (I'm guessing here) and when he is returning the license, the hippies decide he's coming back to hassle them some more and give him the shotgun surprise.

Since Blake's got the driver's ID, it should not be a problem knowing who the killers are. The shooting scene is a bit unexpected and the shotgun blast through the windscreen is pretty spectacular, but the fake blood painted all over Blake's leather jacket is almost cartoonish. I think they should have added in a slow-mo scene of the Harley continuing on and crashing for more effect.


Parillamilt is correct. The driver(David "Hawk" Wolinski member of the band Rufus) was hassled alone earlier in the film. This time he has a rider(Terry Kath member of the band Chicago) I believe you're supposed to assume they were holding(carrying drugs) this time, therefore the outcome.


well yeah that's why he gave them a break and said he owed him one because earlier in the movie him and "zipper" were riding his ass and threatning to plant weed on him. And assuming that Wolinski really did have dope the second time around he might have taken off without his liscence in a hurry because of nervousness-even though it might not have been a real smart move. But like you just said the "cartoonish fake blood" and the god bless America crap was just a bit cheesy ...


I just watched the movie on This TV network.

Thanks for the info. I also was wondering why he was pulling them over again.


I think the overall point was... that Wintergreen always tried to do the right thing and stand up to injustice, no matter what side of the law it was on. Even tho he was small, he was bigger than most men, including his partner and the the Detective. He tried to see people for what they were and not judge prejudge them. And in the end, what did it get him? He got judged and shot for it. There would be blood if you were hit with a shotgun...just the color was a bit bright. The song was fitting for the time... but that's one of the coolest long shots and endings ever.



I think you nailed this movie right on the head.


Yeah, Wintergreen still had the hippie's driver's license--blink and you'll miss that he notices it's in his hand as the hippies drive on. The point of the ending is the reversal of EASY RIDER's climax, which was referenced earlier on when Wintergreen is doing target practice on a poster of Fonda and Hopper from that movie. And yes, the super-fake blood nearly ruins the ending of an otherwise intriguing and unique movie.


that superfake blood must have been in ample supply in 1973, I watched this and Detroit9000 back to back and it't the same fluorescent orange/red stuff in both.




I don't get why people do not pay attention to film's and then ask stupid questions which would not need answering if they had decided to think.

"We may be trapped."


It's mostly to annoy uptight dickheads.

I WANT THE TRUTH! http://www.imdb.com/list/ze4EduNaQ-s/


I H8⃣ uptight dickheads! 😵


The fake blood doesn't bother me, no more than obviously fake backdrops in Thirties and Forties movies do. I noticed it, for sure, but I just went with it and suspended disbelief. That was obviously a dummy the police car ran over too, but I knew what it was supposed to represent!

By the way, what was the "God Bless America" crap referenced above? The song over the end titles was a ballad by the director (a musician in his day job)

No Guru, No Method, No Teacher.


I feel like it is a reference or homage to the ending in "Easy Rider."
