Have you ever been so terrified by a scene?
I would like to redeem myself after posting a negative topic about this movie (re: the sex scene) by posting a positive topic. Despite my issues with the sex scene going on so long, I think this is a terrific movie overall.
The scene that I am discussing here is of course, the scene where Donald Sutherland follows what he thinks is his daughter, only to discover it is someone else entirely...an old, vertically-challenged killer. The scene terrified me unlike any other I've seen. My heart jumped into my throat when she turned around and you see who it is, it's just impossible to see coming.
The whole scene is incredibly suspenseful leading up to it, as you know it is not who he thinks it is, but who could it be? Is it just his imagination? There is no way to predict that who he is following is actually a killer, and one with such a terrifying appearance (no offense to the actress, as I'm sure the lighting and makeup helped make it that way). I seriously shudder just seeing pictures of that scene. I haven't been scared by much, but this definitely terrified me. My face looked like Donald Sutherland's face at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers!