Issues with the Movie (Spoiers)

OK, I know it was a B movie and we're supposed to appreciate how it allows us to use our imaginations, but some of the things in that movie were incredibly stupid!

My sister and I saw the movie as kids in the 1970s and we just watched it again yesterday. Both of us moved between laughter and frustration throughout the film because of Sally's antics and various other issues. In no particular order:

* Light becomes an issue, so she gets a bunch of candles instead of stocking up on flashlights.

* The bathroom incident took place shortly after Sally freaks out during her husband's very-important(?) dinner party. Not only did Sally NOT scream when the demons turned off the lights in the bathroom, but Sally actually finished he shower, THEN expeimented with "lights-on/lights-o ff," to see if the creatures would come back out. Tell hubby? No need to disturb HIM after the big party fiasco!

* Sally's husband is going away for "a few days." Will Sally go to a hotel? Stay with her friend? Why bother, it's only a few days.

* Never before has a telephone been so poorly used.

Now my questions, for anyone who wants to field them:

-Shouldn't Sally have died from that huge-azz drop into the fireplace? When her husband looked in there, the sides looked REALLY smooth and, ummm, stair-less.

- Are sleeping pills THAT potent that fast? Is there some side-effect that compromises one's ability to GRAB anything larger than a 110 camera?

- Did Sally's girlfriend secretly want her to die, which has to be the only explanation for her "lay here on the bed while i go and check the fusebox" plan.


first of all you are it's a movie a horror movie at that. you can disect every movie ever made especially horror's not ment to be next time you watch a movie try to relax & enjoy it

ps if some one is chasing you don't fall, oh yeah do not check to see if the mask wearing murderer is really "dead" just run!
