An idea for a sequel: What if Sally, after being transformed into one of the knee-high prune-faced goblinized monkey ghoul things, was able to somehow escape from them? Would Alex take her back, remembering his vows, "For better or for worse?" After all, it's his fault for the transfiguration.
If so, what would he pass her off as? His wife? A pet Yuckaling-ape? Or would he keep her hidden from the world?
This question has bugged me since I first saw this movie as a kid. Wonder what I'd do if it happened to my wife/girlfriend, and if she'd do the same for me. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
-- To love and to cherish, for better, for worse --
When I saw the remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Sutherland, Nimoy, etc.), I was disturbed by the image of the dog with the human face. I thought that a man had actually been transformed to have to live in the body of a dog, and it really threw me.
It has been so long since I saw Don't Be Afraid of the Dark that I didn't remember what had happened at the end. I am always disturbed by stories in which people are trapped in other bodies, or otherwise cursed, or shrunken, etc. (Remember the Krofft Supershow, with the series "Dr. Shrinker" in it?) There are countless examples of this kind of movie or t.v. show. The Skeleton Key is a recent one. There is an episode of the Forest Whitaker "Twilight Zones" in which a little girl traps her babysitters in the form of Barbie dolls in order to keep them from leaving her. Another in which an evil magician tricks his protege into swapping bodies with him, forcing the protege to live in a crippled body as he makes off with the beautiful assistant (both of them are actually extremely ancient and have been doing this over and over)...
I remember a comic of The Far Side, in which a bratty little fat-faced kid is looking at two jars, one labeled "Mom" and the other "Dad," in which his miniaturized parents are trapped; there is a genie out of a bottle in the room with them, and the kid is saying, "Gee whiz, you mean I get a *third* wish?!" (Ha ha, he wished for his parents, whom we presume he hated for some reason real or imagined, to be shrunken so he could dominate them.)
Anyway, I always have had those "questions" that plagued me, kinda like you're saying. "What would I do if someone wished for me to be miniaturized so they could keep me imprisoned in a jar?" etc. Well, now that I'm an adult, and some of my imagination has, well, atrophied I guess, I don't spend so much time being plagued by such questions. :-P
What happened at the end (subject to interpretation, of course), Sally was dragged down into the ashpit of the basement fireplace by the three creatures and was killed with a razor (I think that's what I saw), her spirit, supposedly, now was one of them.
At the end of the movie, however, we hear her voice rollicing with the other three voices of the creatures; Sally is evidently enjoying what she has become. A more tragic end would have been to have been turned into one of those and held prisoner by them. The worst fate I guess would have been they needed a female in order to reproduce but that isn't necessary, I guess, if they could catch people and make them one of their own. Howbeit, when I was a kid, I assumed they wanted Sally because they were male and they wanted a girl among them.
I, too, hated the ending of Skeliton Key. A fate worse than death, and identity theft in the truest sense of the word.
But to be turned into a monsterous thing, or lesser 'nasty repulsive thing' -- I've often wondered what the fate of such a person would be. Displayed in a Freak show, maybe.
My original question, I wonder. Would her husband, Alex, take her back if she 'escaped' the ashpit but was one of "them?"
The ending of one of the classic movies of all time, Todd Browning's FREAKS, made in the 30's, the woman who had belittled and made fun of the "freaks" was herself turned into one by the "freaks" and then made part of a circus sideshow...a must see for fans of classic horror movies!