Not a re-make but...

Instead of remaking the movie, I think they should continue it (30 years later). A new family could be moving into the house. The family could have a daughter who is blind! Could make for some real frightening moments... the creatures could be watching her and being very very close to her (in the dark of course) and she may hear things but not know what it actually was. Imagine her laying in bed with these creatures on her pillow watching her and taunting her. Perhaps she has a seeing-eye dog to protect her. Maybe I should write the bloody thing!


Just don't kill off the dog.

Don't know why, but sweet, pretty girls getting turned into little ugly, nasty things seems so enjoyably tragic, on film that is.


That kind of reminds me of the movie (Don't remember the name off hand) about the little girl (a young Drew Barrymore?) that was being menaced by a troll-like creature and was protected and saved by her cat. Based on yet another Steven King story I believe.


Cat's Eye. 3 stories, one cat. I have this on DVD. It's okay, more a rental than a purchase. First episode is a guy who will do anything to quit smoking, the second is a guy having an affair and has to walk around the edge of a skyscraper and the third is a little monster trying to (literally) suck the life out of Drew Barrymore. Saved by the cat.


YEA! Cats Eye. That was great, I think it WAS Drew Barrymore. Haven't thought about that one in a long time!



"Don't know why, but sweet, pretty girls getting turned into little ugly, nasty things seems so enjoyably tragic, on film that is."

Depends. Ever heard of The Simple Life or Lindsay Lohan?


No -- I am clueless. What do these 'chic' movies/celebreties have to do with the tragedy and humilition of beauty being turned into unmentionable foulness?

I used to wonder, when I was in my early and mid teens, if my girlfriend at the time would have accepted me if I'd undergone such transfiguation into something grotesque -- or if I'd accept her ( I was certain that I would, if such happened to her as happened to sally in the movie -- but didn't think she would accept me if such happened).

The subject of beauty tragically being lost, via transformation into something very ugly or noissome or graveolent has always hit an aesthetic or artistic urge or deep response within me. Maybe it's the deep-seated 'horror' of losing what you have that makes you attractive to those whom you're attracted to.


Maybe you should. Your idea sounds excellent. But I still think they should show the old one once on a while. Two other good movies they could play and don't are "The Illustrated Man" starring Rod Steiger. Excellent flick about a guy who has these tatoos. He's not sure how he got them I think or he gets them and the guy or girl who does them kind of puts a spell in them and when he looks at each of them he goes off into a different world in his mind or more like another life. The other movie is old..."The Miracle of Marcelino" a real tear jerker veeerrry moving, about a little orphan boy( already your tearing up right?). The big deal about this one is they show Jesus coming into this adobe room at an extremely low point in this childs life and sits in this chair, and the little kid crawls up into his lap and dies in Jesus' arms...Jesus takes him to heaven. You never see Jesus' face only his hands and arms and body. I can't even write that without crying! They used to show it around Easter. They did show it on a channel I didn't get a number of years ago (6-7 maybe).


I liked the "Illustrated Man" based on a Ray Bradbury Story (or stories) What's weird, with the big Tattoo craze these days,Stieger looks actually normal now!

