The creatures

So what were they anyway?



Nothing much really explained. There were three of them, between fifteen and twenty inches tall. Black monkeysuits, hairless heads shaped like something between a potato and a shriveled up prune, big alien-like eyes and little alien-like mouth -- resembling a skull as much as a shrivelled alien. They mostly spoke in whispers with strange echoes.

They lived in a domain accessible through an ashpit or ash-dump under an old fireplace.



The characters were played by midgets on stage-sets that were only double normal size -- making the actors appear half the size, in their furry costumes.

The shots of the creatures were minimal -- rarely did we see them more than a second or a second-and-a-half at a time. The longest shot was the staircase sequence when they climbed the stairs and caught sally with a rope. (another scene where we got a fairly good look at them was when they were in the bathroom OR maybe a dressing area and Sally was in the shower)

The staircase was twice normal size and the characters were played by midgets less than four feet tall -- making them appear between 15 and 22 inches, roughly.



Before I discovered IMDb, I was OBSESSED with this movie.

In fact, wanting to learn about this movie is how I stumbled upon the IMDb.

UPDATE 31 minutes later: THIS INFO CAME FROM
February 3, 2006 (Issue 4)

Three separate articles are in this issue.

I merely did a Google Search on "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" and several Horror Fanzine type websites came up -- which included interviews, pictures of the movies being made, etc.

This movie was made in a very haphazard sort of way but turned out to be very successful. The three creatures were all played by midgets -- the shortest actors they could find. One of them was a rather elderly lady who I think was only about two feet something. The stage sets in which the creatures were used therefore only had to be double the size of the actual stage sets.



Egads you are right.

I am BUMPING a thread titled INTERVIEW WITH THE CAST AND AUTHOR which led to the link, which, as you have discovered, is no longer functioning and leads nowhere.

Here is other stuff I have found on the site. It was a damn good article on the movie. Maybe you can contact them another way, by phone, e-mail, or letter.

February 3, 2006 - ISSUE 4
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark Special
General Information
Post Office Box 352
Linthicum, Maryland 21090
Phone: 443-867-5440
e-mail: [email protected]
Post Office Box 352
Linthicum, Maryland 21090
Phone: 443-867-5440
e-mail: [email protected]
