MovieChat Forums > Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973) Discussion > *MAY* have answer to many questions now-...

*MAY* have answer to many questions now- 'KOBOLDS'

"In German (Teutonic) folklore, kobolds are spirits who dwell in mines and who like to torment humans. They are tricksters and not inherently evil. Like Robin Goodfellow, they may either help or harass humans, for unknown reasons. In the 16th and the 17th century, they were usually depicted on paintings as little devils with a conical hat, pointy shoes, a hairy tail, and bald feet instead of hands. In the class of fairy-like beings, they are considered to be the most dangerous and most ugly. Some sources suggest that kobolds are related to the Brownies "

Okay, I'm pretty sure these critters are KOBOLDS. And I also think I can explain some things...why are these things after her? it must be that the creatures were disturbed or some possibly killed when the house was built; this would explain why they are after only her, because she is related to a previous owner...the only way to 'equalize' this is turn the humans into something like also explains why they hate light, why there is a tunnel beneath the house, and why she tells them to be patient and wait for 'others'. I would love to have the writer explain this...just got through watching it after not seeing it in about 30 years....still VERY creepy.


Kobolds certainly fit the description -- but as a subterranean race of beings, I'd group them (Kobolds) with knockers rather than Brownies (Brownies seem more like nature spirits, Leprechauns, etc).

Celtic hauntings (British Isles) frequenly involved houses and churches being built on Ley lines or mounds or hillocks inhabited by such foul, dark creatures.

Just remember to associate them with diminutive SUBTERRANIAN races and not purer nature ones. Kidnapping and abductions for their own purposes, even turning humans into one of them.

However, I do not think what these creatures were was ever really DEFINED in the writers' and producer's mind(s). Nonetheless, you are right -- they certainly DO match much of the description of Kobolds.

Just don't let anyone's definition of kobolds completely define these creatures for you. Let them be in your mind whatever you want them to be.

And 'cause' never was the reason for the evening,
--Or the Tropic of Sir Galahad.


I have got a nutty idea....I think THIS is nigel mckeand's address, since he WROTE it, could somebody in the area maybe call him....?

N McKeand
325 N Kenter Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90049-2335
(310) 471-6794

Something else wierd, too....his name is clearly from the U.K., maybe he used european ideas, AND
just found out he does one of the creature's VOICES as well! LOL!!


Maybe they're a little creepier than Kobolds -- more demonic. Darker conspiracies. Darker plans. Evil as what nightmares tell us is possible.
Eviler than U.F.O abductions and parts of your hateful old house parts that whispers and breathe of the dead.

Creepily evil as the epitomy of putrescence and hidden, unmentionable foulness and lies of filth. Plans of ultimate abominition and cosmic foulness, banished beneath the earth.

They;re more evil than Kobolds.

And 'cause' never was the reason for the evening,
--Or the Tropic of Sir Galahad.
