Best Way to Watch This
Ok. I have this on DVD and I haven't seen it in a really long time. So what is the best way to watch this? In the dark? Late at night?Alone? Suggestions
shareOk. I have this on DVD and I haven't seen it in a really long time. So what is the best way to watch this? In the dark? Late at night?Alone? Suggestions
shareLate at night, alone in the house, preferably over a cold weather holiday so even the streets feel deserted.
Or do it the way I would do it; afternoon, other people in the house, warm weather holiday and the neighbor is throwing a loud party.
Badder than old King Kong, Meaner than a Junkyard dog
We cannot dictate or choose all of the conditions we see this movie under ...
-- but it'd be especially wonderful ALONE in a BIG old house built in the 1850-1905 era -- one of those houses with plenty of secret passages between the walls (e.g. pipe chases, heavy sliding pocket doors, space between floors, basement with voids under stairs and next to chimneys, old ductwork and grillework) -- preferably a high-ceilinged dimly lit house with shadows and echoes, eerie blue-flamed gas jet heaters, and massive steep staircases -- better yet if the house is way in the country, isolated, but with plenty of outbuidings/farmbuildings dating from an even earlier time period.
UPDATE: Oh yes -- I almost forgot!
Better yet if the house had a library, a scary dark mirror somewhere that you might imagine glows sickly green from time to time, and at least ONE fireplace with an ash pit -- a DEEP ash pit.
And 'cause' never was the reason for the evening,
--Or the Tropic of Sir Galahad.
Just wondering where you were able to get the DVD from. I've been trying to source this movie for a long time!
I remember watching this in my pre-teens in the '70s. Although my friend and I watched it on a bright, sunny, summer afternoon, we still had to run outside after it scared the crap out of us!
Late, in the dark, with someone to grab hold of!!! I too would like to know where u got the dvd as I have been trying to locate this on dvd for years. I didn't know it was available on dvd :s