MovieChat Forums > Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973) Discussion > Creature sketch, according to descriptio...

Creature sketch, according to description by N. McKean

i have been wanting to make 3 of the creatures as models, (i scratch-build as well as make 'regular' models), and I always start with a sketch- here is a version that was basically described by the writer of the movie, and also because pc ERROR asked for a re-creation in another you guys like this, and want me to do a couple more, let me know. I sketched it in about 10 minutes, a litle crude, but I like it....Nigel described them as being quicker and less 'lumbering' than the ones on t.v., I think from what he told me, the sketch would be much closer.

please let me know if you can see it o.k., and let me know what YOU think they would look like, I am not above simple requests-


I too make models! Mine, unfortunately, are often too gross to show in public. Though I did take some convincing photos and showed them to a group of preteen children once. They knew, of course, that the creatures weren't real. But they were as good as anything in the Horror Props mags.

Here are some general comments on your artwork thus far (just my opinion) in order they occured to me:

(1) Are they really this tiny? To me, something in the 11-20 inch range is more like the movie that scared us.

(2) Puh-leeze -- NO CLOTHES on these creatures. It makes them look like the grinch!

Other than that, I think you've improved the image greatly -- keep 'em like Bat-Rat-Devil-Monkeys and Moria Orks but keep them believable. The pointy ears, ratlike devil tails are plausible both as real creatures as well as folklore creatures (demons and fouler fairy folk) -- but, while retaining these impish features, let them be creatures we can believe in. Shriveled rat monkeys synthisized with Fred-Kruegeresque rat imps leaping in the flames, or some dead bat-devil thing we might find rotting in the ashpit, found amongthe skeletons of dead starlings, eating dead animals.

(4) Change the name -- COBOL is a computer language of the early 1980s. These creatures are supposed to have infested the house since the 1880s. And Mormons (and fans of Battlestar Galactica, another 1980s flop) believe Adam and Eve came from a planet or star named Kobol.

And 'cause' never was the reason for the evening,
--Or the Tropic of Sir Galahad.


"KOBOL" is an ancient german word that goes back to the middle ages....! If you go to a dictionary or better 'wikpedia' and enter it, you will find it to be true....the description is almost EXACTLY what the costumers came up with. A KOBOL is a creature that lives in tunnels and mines, and are the most mischevious of the 'little people'.
Yeah, I know I 'grinchified' it....and I made it small, because the creatures can change size. Later, I plan on sketching a larger one more 'hobgoblinish' with torn leather pieces instead of fur, maybe stitched together. I was mainly concerned with making sure you can see it online; but I'll get to work on another, and post it here. oh, and I was basically going by what Nigel said, not really 'my' version.....still looks creepy, now that I look at it.


I thought the Germanic word was Kobold, with a 'd' on the end.

Yes, they (in the movie) and your drawing, and the descriptions of Nigel, certainly DO fit the description of Kobolds, Knockers, Rappers, Deros, etc.

Keep 'em believable is my only plea. Dead and shriveled bats with almost-human faces, for instance, or rats with prehensil monkey features, maybe primitive but ghoulish tiny hominids -- together with what primitive cultures might have made out to be kobolds in myth. After all, they're TRUE kobolds, and humans have only made them into faerie creatures.

(Of course, DO retain their magicks, their extradimensional powers and abilities to change size if they do, and disappear in a closet or corner without a trace -- they're obviously more than animals, and have several powers we don't have).

I laud your efforts, as it is a challenge to flesh out what scared us as children only in the darkness of a movie which most of us only saw in a back bedroom on a wavy black-and-white T.V. as we were forbidden to watch it on the big set.

And 'cause' never was the reason for the evening,
--Or the Tropic of Sir Galahad.


Sorry, you are correct, it is usually spelled 'Kobold' with a 'd', but I have seen it spelled both ways; 'KobolD" is more common...there are also other words to describe them: brownie, dark fairy, gump, clooty, imp, etc. (in fact, 'IMP' is probably closer than 'Kobold'
P.S. I sent a package today to Nigel Mckeand, included 2 movies 'don't be afraid' and 'carnival of souls', (he said he never saw it before), and a copy of my sketch....'shrivel face bats'....hmmmm....okay, let me see what I can do later tonight, after the house starts creakin'....


Okay, I found this book called 'necro nomi' something, and, after certain rituals were applied, I managed to sketch a couple of them....they are VERY fast and, where did that straight-razor go...?

Is THIS a little more like it...? (again, let me know if you can see it okay)


PC, these things keep comin' out of the crawlspace faster than I can sketch, and MAN are they fast!! this one managed to construct a deadly 'knife' by putting a handle on a double-safety razor blade!
I am now trying to sketch his sister, she can fly, has bat-wings, and screeches quite loudly. Not very nice.
I have to keep reminding them i am NOT 'telling',...we know what happens to people who 'tell'...don't we?


wow, that one flew close....hope the mescalin wears off soon....trails....trails.....huh-huh...huh....

hey, these guys are getting VICIOUS!


Sorry, andrsbckly -- your kobolds are looking like Japanese comic superheros, or dragon rum spirits.

Tone down the muscles and superhero look. Yours are also looking more dragonesque or lizardlike than I think we were ever led to believe. I'd like to think (even though I don't believe in evolution, which puts me at odds with many on this board) -- I like to think that these creatures are primitive, foul hominids -- something we might have evolved with in some primal state, or something with a frightful touch of humanity or simeon prehensile ancestery with us. But something we DON'T WANT TO BE. Something unspeakably foul, goblinized, nasty, disgusting, creepy, and WATCHING US from the cracks and shadows of this space-time continuum. Something that HATES US for what we've got and they don't have, and wants to take us back with them and punish us.

The Moria Orks from the Lord of the Rings movie are a better example, I think.

I was sorta with you at first, but (keeping the pointy ears and impish features) I tend to like my idea of putrid, rotting, excremental carrion monkeys better -- they can still be impish.

Look at pictures of 'putrid flesh' and 'impacted colon' images, and translate it into a bat-rat-monkey thing that MIGHT have a touch of pre-anthropoid humanity to it.

And 'cause' never was the reason for the evening,
--Or the Tropic of Sir Galahad.


Well, I can't be held to what others concieve unless I can see what they are talking about.....why don't YOU submit some sketches? Then I might be able to see what it is you mean....and I HATE japanese 'anime'. I prefer the gargoylish and impish, brutal and animalistic.
Besides, I'm just sketching what I see.
but as I said, why don't you simply show some of your sketches here? I have done 4, why can't you show us 1?
"excremental carrion monkeys ".....??? WTF??
"'putrid flesh' and 'impacted colon' images.."...? again, WTF?? send me some of the drugs you are on....LOL....


Sorry, I'm not that technologically savvy to send images -- my technology barely gets beyond when there were first servers for the internet. My technology never advanced much beyond when I was last in an academic setting in the late 1980s.

Just make them something repugnant, repulsive, dead looking. There is supposed to be something goblinesque or ghoulish about them. Even Freddy Krueger, a burn victim, has a rotting ghoulish look -- as does Jason Voorhees under the mask (grey-brown w/maggots) -- Orks and Ghouls (understood in their true context, if you look at what the word Ork means) imply putrid and rotting bodies or souls.

You'll find stuff worse than carrion and mere gore under the Impacted Colon images during a google search. Some of the worst looking, grotesque stuff we can imagine is transmutated from or a disease product of our own bodies. Look at images of putrid flesh, or go to HauntedProps.Com (it's the best thing on the internet) and get some foul impish and ghoulish creatures for inspiration.

I guess I insulted you -- but my intention was to tell you that in my opinion your sketches are getting too muscular and super-hero looking. From early on, to the latest info you provided about Nigel McKean's ideas, I've thought of these creatures as anthropoidial and like impish primitive hominids with the faintest touch of humanity -- something about them is symbiotic with humans and that is why we can transfer souls or transmutate form. Orks on the Lord of the Rings movie(s) come to mind, but I tend to think they are much more ghoulish and decaying, as such is the way of foul things that live down under in darkness. Whispering, wanting, and waiting for their moment.

If I've insulted you, please accept my apology

And 'cause' never was the reason for the evening,
--Or the Tropic of Sir Galahad.


Not the least bit insulted....but i can tell you i am not interested in 'impacted colons' and rottong flesh Why don't you just email your sketches to me and i'll post them?
Can you draw? Or, specifically, can you draw what you 'see'?
It wouldn't take much to go to a library and scan and send them to me-
[email protected]

And 'floss' never was teased by Jackie Gleason,
--or the moppet of a big 'ol snicker snag.


You said you made models. Just try making gruesome models.

I don't know your techniques, but they're probably better than mine. But here's mine anyway.

(I recommend that you plan on making a creature 18-22 inches tall, with the head, chin to crown, being about four or five inches alone, the neck to the feet only being 11-13 inches).

(1) Start with wirey implements such as a wire-handled fly swatter(s) or fish nets. It's the cheapest source of flexible but sturdy wire that's about the right length. Twist them into a rudeamentary skeleton/frame (of wire) with arms, legs, spine.
(my original models included tails for balance, but I've gotten better with this and tails aren't necessary.

(2) Fully cover the wire with masking tape, first aid tape, or cloth, forming the body roughly in the shape you want.

(3) At this point, even though the bodies are mere chasis, I usually go ahead and make the hands and feet. I've had best results by taking the handles of plastic forks or spoons, after trimming and snipping to the shapes I want and taping together with masking tape, using a candle lighter (flame) to "weld" the plastic and the tape/adhesive together. Use a spray-bottle of water if the fire won't go out. For the feet, it is usually better to have something flat on the bottom surface.

Good hands and feet, even at this early chasis stage, will already look like hands and feet, if you've arranged and shaped the peices right. You will later finish them with acrylic paint and glue.

(4) Go on and make/finish the body of the thing -- I use Crayola Modeling compound along with large amounts of glue and acrylic paint. But the cheapest (yet effective) material to use on the body is caulking material. Save the modeling compounds for areas requiring more detail.

(5) Once all this has dried (give it at least 24 hours), paint the whole thing with acrylic paint. I recommend dark browns, dark blood reds, and slimy yellowish greens. Keep them looking dark and nasty and gross. One coat won't be enough. Two is more like it, but you may find yourself using much more than that, as acrylic paint is a good modeling medium in itself.

I used to apply 'matted hair' by using black doll's hair (crumpling it in my palms and mixing with epoxy), but I've found that dark "foodservice" hairnets (cut the elastic from around the edges) are MUCH less expensive and easier to work with.
Apply it to the exterior and apply clear epoxy or other glue that's been disolved with yellow or umber acrylic paint (makes a slimy-looking but fiberglass-hard coating).

For the head, you might find an adequate halloween skull for a chasis, but I've merely molded the head out of crayola modeling compound. Use rhinestones for eyes because they glow with little light, day or night. Or, I've even used colour photocopies of my own eyes (copied from a photograph).

The feet, hands, and head must be attatched to the limbs and neck usually by screwing the parts together and/or using generous amounts of epoxy after holding them in place with tape.

Halloween and costume businesses and similar businesss have all sorts of eyes, demon ears, Billy-Bob teeth, etc that you might want to use. You will, of course, paint them the colors of your creature and meld them together with glues and slimelike paints.


The results are sturdy, lasting, photographable, CONVINCING creatures.
I don't recommend that you worry too much about the demon tails and cloven hoofs because they can be very crudely formed, or carefully added as you go along. What is important is that the flesh look really gross -- if it makes someone recoil, it's done it's purpose.
Filthy, mucosmal Slime, matted fur (or muscle fibers), weeping drainage and seepage is more authentic than, say, making a snakelike creature.

Whether or not you're interested in rotting flesh or impacted colons, they are my inspiration for the TRULY horrid creatures and make people recoil.


And 'cause' never was the reason for the evening,
--Or the Tropic of Sir Galahad.


Is THIS your card???

Made them on a $ store figure, faux fur, and hand made head of foam + 2 ton epoxy, patience-


WOW! I've got to admit I am SERIOUSLY impressed!

I'd make 'em grosser, you know -- but you replicated the design extremely well, while making them closer to the original idea than the movie did. Better than anything I'd make.

You certainly have my respect. I vastly underestimated you.


And 'cause' never was the reason for the evening,
--Or the Tropic of Sir Galahad.
