This movie scared me silly

I saw this movie when I was between 7 and 9. It scared me silly. I was so scared of the dark after watching this movie.
One night my parents went out, they went to the 1st floor apt, It was a 2 family house. I shut of the TV and tried to goto sleep , all the freaking lights were out and I was scared to get up. my parents must of left the keys in the apt because when they came upstairs they started to knock on the door. I was terrified to get up, they kept banging and all I could do was cover myself with my blanket and hope the little demons wouldn't come and get me!! They were at least there for 20 min trying to get me to open up and I didnt. Finally the owners of the house came up and open the apt with thier spare keys.

The other movies at this time that had the same effect on me were.. Trilogy of Terror (The doll), The Exorcist and The Omen. Wait a minute I forgot one I dont remeber the title but I think it was " The Train of Terror " I knew it had the Kojak guy in it. The scene that did it to me was when that monk started to bob to the side and all the dead people started to walk, there eyes white and dripping blood.

They dont make them like they used to. I've been a horror fan for a long time now. Lets take it back like the good old days and make them scary! Im not talking about remakes either. We need some original scary horror flicks!!!!


I saw it on Mexican television when I was 10 years old, dubbed into Spanish (when movies were very well dubbed, in those days)

It scared the heck out of me, too. The thing is, I watched it twice, once when I was 10 and another when it was replayed by another Mexican TV station. I still feel sorry for the girl, since there was no way for her to fight back (she was sedated by the raisin-heads).

Anyway, the funny thing is that I talked about this movie with all the people I knew (except my parents and siblings, since they obviously saw it), but not one I had met ever saw this movie! That is, until I met my wife, who talked about this horrible movie she saw when she was 7 and that scared the heck out of her... you8 know the rest.

I told her that I had seen the very same movie, but neither of us remembered what it was called, or when it was made (I suspected the early 70s, and I just found out I was right)

I was just searching for this movie in Wikipedia, until I found it... never guessed it was called Don't Be Afraid of the Dark.

The most horrifying thing about the movie is not the little ghouls or the fact that Sally was dropped on what it was an obvioulsy very deep shaft - but the final conversation between the ghouls and the nor-turned-ghoul Sally! They were saying "They will come, very soon!"

"Yes, very soon", answers she. Scary stuff.


I need to see this film, evidently! And if you happen to know the name of the movie I outline a scene from in this thread, please let me know! Thanks!


I agree! More old school style horror movies!
Maybe you can help me with one from the 70's, I do not know the name or actress, or I could find it here; it had some woman in a scary house, and I think someone was trying to scare her into leaving/selling it, or something. Anyway, she awakes in the night to hear a creeping sound and looks towards the bedroom doorway/hallway and sees some weird 'mannequin' bobbing side to side, clumping on the wood floor, like one of those armless-dress maker's torso things? Anyway, it was creepy and I never can remember what the title was, but I'm sure it was a 'tame' made for tv film - thanks, if you can!

"The Film which you are about to see is an
account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths."


I remember the scene well. How did it end? Was the dressmaker mannequin thrown onto the girl/bed when she started screaming and others came to her aid?

Poor girl, she LOVED using that manequin in dressmaking in previous scenes.

I think that was in the old T.V. "MYSTERY" series, which included Colombo, McMillan & Wife, Ironside, etc. I could be wrong.

All of these mysteries were hoaxes or involved, perhaps, some supernatural aid.

Was the year, maybe, 1975 or 1976, when you saw it?



"But whom do we sue for making the 70's the spookiest time of our childhood?"

LOL and Amen, ink-eternal!

This one, the Night Gallery/Trilogy of Terror stuff, and don't forget that early Spielberg outing, "Something Evil"!


Sorry for the late reply, but yes, it was around 1975 when I saw that spooky 'mannequin' movie, but none of the other scenes stand out for me, except that one nightmarish scene...another poster here says it may have been some 'McMillian & Wife" Mystery show, but I am drawing a blank myself....perhaps if we look up Robert Stack we could find this old gem? Would be great if they'd re-air some of these old creepy 70's shows on cable, wouldn't it?! ;)

"The Film which you are about to see is an account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths..."


The movie you describe sounds like 'the stange and deadly occurrence' with robert stack. it was a made for TV movie produced in 1974.


Ok, thanks for the tip - good memory, man! Robert Stack did a lot of tv stuff back then, though I remember him mostly from the 'Airplane' movies....would be nice if they'd run this on USA or TVLand some day....

"The Film which you are about to see is an account of a tragedy that befell a group of five youths..."


The movie with Telly Savalas or that Kojak was called Horror Express.


I was very young when I saw this movie. Not on its first run but several years later it was one of those Sunday afternoon movies (thank goodness!). Anyways, for months afterwards I would run and jump up to my bed because I couldn't let my feet be near the bottom of my bed (somebody might grab them) and I had to have the closet door closed and the room door open. Plus there had to be a light in the hallway somewhere.
Yeah, I think it really did scare me good!


I was very young when I saw this movie. Not on its first run but several years later it was one of those Sunday afternoon movies (thank goodness!). Anyways, for months afterwards I would run and jump up to my bed because I couldn't let my feet be near the bottom of my bed (somebody might grab them) and I had to have the closet door closed and the room door open. Plus there had to be a light in the hallway somewhere. Yeah, I think it really did scare me good!

That sounds quite similar to my experience with this movie. It was my first horror movie. I must have seen it after the initial airing by a few years, and I was around maybe 6 years old. For a long time afterwards I had nightmares about the little demons. I called them "The Puppets", and my nights were antagonized by them for many years. I had to set up perimeter defenses around my bed and kept my closet light on and always had a flashlight close at hand!I've been a huge fan of horror movies ever since. Thanks ABC!!!


What were your perimeter defenses?


"What were your perimeter defenses?"

Booby traps made of stuffed animals and blankets, bunkers made of pillows and an arsenal of nerf and suction dart guns... Hey I was six. ;-)


I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one this movie scared silly! :-)
I saw it too when I was about 7 and watched it with my Dad and brother. Of course after the movie they were teasing me "Jenny.. jennnyyyy. They want you!". Jerks! Lol! Trilogy of Terror was the other freakout with that little devil doll. Thanks for sharing folks! :-) Sleep tight, don't let the prune-faces and devil dolls get ya! Muhahahaha! ;-)


I was 22 when I saw this movie and it scared the crap out of me too! Old enough to know better I guess. But I too was afraid something was going to grab my feet from under my bed! lol I haven't seen it in all these years but have never forgotton it. I wonder if it would have the same affect now? Good to find others here who remember this little gem.


the movie with the train was "HORROR EXPRESS" with the ever cool peter cushing, chris lee and telly savales as a zesty cossack commander.
Why the hell is it that the only time the scariest freekin' movies EVER come on when you're a kid is when your FOLKS are gone??
This and 'BAD RONALD' (with the psycho-teen sealed up by his mom and his mom dies and a family moves in and he's STILL in the secret room...!!!) scared the crud outtta me...I'm watching 'DON'T BE AFRAID' now after not seing it for about 30 years-
the little demons are remonstarting 'uncle charlie' now--
"*you know what happens to people who *TELL*, don't you....?!??"


Yes, I believe the film you're referring to was called "Terror Train" and it also starred Christopher Lee I believe. It portrayed an ancient type of demon that absorbed a human's soul through his red eyes? I picked up a low budget copy of it on a dvd that I discovered at a conveniece store a few years ago. The copy is actually not bad. I hope that helps.
