Warner Bros Removes don't be from archive collection
Anyone have a clue why WB remvoed this title from their archive collection?
99% of you people send me PM's with questions and never bother to check that I replied to them.
Anyone have a clue why WB remvoed this title from their archive collection?
99% of you people send me PM's with questions and never bother to check that I replied to them.
Its showing for me. In fact, I just placed an order for it. About time this got an official release!
shareCan you provide a link then? It was no longer listed in the pre-order or new arrivals section anymore. In fact the old link I did post (a few topics down) also gave me the "sorry we cannot find". Doing a search for the film title on the WB also showed nothing, so unless it was an error they fixed a link would be nice
***UPDATE: it must have been temp offline when I looked (placed an order for the bermuda depths a few hours ago and when I was on Dont be was no longer listed). It is now showing as $14 instead of 19$, maybe that had to do wih it (it was only showing 6 horror titles before and not 10)
99% of you people send me PM's with questions and never bother to check that I replied to them.
Well this is not good news: A friend of mine called WB about the film and two different people told him it is on hold again and might be so permanently
Let us hope that once the 18th rolls arouns we see the "in stock now" option
99% of you people send me PM's with questions and never bother to check that I replied to them.