You are absolutely RIGHT! I only recently remembered this movie, and I haven't seen it since I was a kid, (I am 42 now). It was such a distant, unclear memory that I wasn't even sure if it was a real movie I actualy saw. I thought pieces deep in my memory, from the movie, were only in my imagination, and NOT something I saw. When I came across it in a thread here on IMDB, I looked it up and it jogged all my memory of how it terrified me and traumatized me to the degree that I worked very hard for years to block that terrible movie out of my head!!
Aparently it worked, because I can't remember....remembering the movie, or trying to talk myself into thinking about something else at bed time, or at night, or when I was alone, until I was out of high school.
I would have to say, remembering now, (even though I have not rewatched it yet), it has to have been THE MOST scary movie, I ever saw, and the entire concept of the story has to still be the scariest concept of any movie ever, for me. Thinking about it makes me say out loud, "Thank God, it's just a made for television movie from the 70's" :D.