Difference between the original and the remake
In the 1973 original, the three, evil, malicious, ugly imps torment the married Sally (Kim Darby) mercilessly to the breaking point. The imps are clearly misogynistic and their unbridled hatred of Sally was never explained. In Sally's nighttime shower scene the three imps are voyeuristic as well. They discuss among themselves their nefarious plans for Sally. One of the more demented imps enthusiastically expresses his sociopathic urge to torture, maim and mutilate Sally (rape being the only non-option for the 12-inch tall imp) but the most influential of the imps persuades the other two to stay cool and wait for a better opportunity. This was excellent screenwriting. Because it was a made-for-television movie, of course there could be no slasher gore or sexual violence but having the imps openly discuss their 'options' made your imagination take over and made your skin crawl. No doubt had this been a theater movie, the crazed imps would have done 'much more' to Sally.
However in the remake, the imps are after a little girl and it's curious why director del Toro decided to make this major plot change. I think it detracts from the movie and doesn't give justice to the original. You're left with a darker version of "Poltergeist" instead. The director could have kept to the original and just showed Katie Holmes and her husband, Guy Pierce. Of course, this being an R-rated theatrical version, del Toro possessed much more leeway and freedom. The possibilities make your mind go into twisted corners. Omitting the little girl would mean all sorts of nasty things happening to Katie Holmes' character, Sally. The malicious little imps would do more to Sally than they could get away with in the television movie. But this would entail Katie Holmes being willing to allow nudity shown or sexual violence upon her character, something that Katie Holmes would probably veto. You have to have watched the 1973 original to understand where I am coming from. In the 1973 tv original the mean-spirited (pun intended) imps truly hate Sally for some odd reason but because it's television, the imps turn out to be very restrained in what they do to Sally, other than making loud noises, pranks, and scaring the bejesus out of her until they're ready to kidnap her and drag her bodily down into the basement to join them in their own private little hell.