Video Treasures VHS

I found the VHS of this a while back and have yet to watch it for fear that it's incomplete and/or bad quality. Does anybody have the VHS and if so, any comments?

I know who I am! I'm the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!


Just pop it in the machine and find out. There was no reason to edit any of this movie out for home video release. Don't wait much longer; you know how the magnetic tape breaks down with age. As for me, I found a used DVD for less than $5 at FYE. It's one of my all time favorites, although audio commentary by John Milius would have been a nice bonus.



Uh, I believe that's what I said I have. It sometimes comes down to which format you happen to find first. VHS will do until you run across the DVD. If there are no extras or bonuses, then upgrading to DVD may not be necessary unless it's just more convenient.


I watched the old VHS and it turned out to be great quality...for a tape.

I know who I am! I'm the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!


That's good news. The deleted post was from somebody calling us stupid and telling us the movie was on DVD. It's like he didn't even read what I posted prior to that.


I just didn't want to shell out $10 to buy an Amazon DVD. I found the VHS at a used movie sale and figured what the heck. Of course I also see that has the movie for free. Oh well.

I know who I am! I'm the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!
