Hoover or Frees?

Although the IMDB lists J. Edgar Hoover as the narrator at the end who disses anyone who admires Dillinger, the voice sounded like famous Disney/Rocky and Bullwinkle voice-over star Paul Frees. Anyone know the truth here?


I sure as heck heard Frees' voice as a radio announcer when Dillinger was driving alone near the end.

And yep, that "disclaimer" at the end sure sounds like Frees.


it doesn't sound anything like frees!


It is stated that was not Hoovers voice. Someone ask John Milius..if they know how to contact him...:-)


I'm a big Frees fan and I'm 99% sure it was him. He has a certain edge on his voice that is audible no matter what character he's doing.

And as someone else has said, it's definitely him on the radio in Dillinger's car.


Yes Frees it is! Hoover didn't want anything to do with that movie! LOL


If you open up the full cast and credits list, it says that Hoover was the uncredited narrator at the end.

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